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Memory verse:   

“Who is like unto thee, O LORD, among the gods? who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders?”

  • Exo. 15:11.

God’s plan for the believer is the life of the supernatural, which is intended to make him different and a wonder on the earth Isa. 8:18; Jn. 3:8. The understanding of how to manifest the supernatural is essential for every believer that will experience the reality of it Pro. 4:7-9; Psa. 82:5-7. The lack of this understanding is the reason many believer’s life is not better than those who are not saved. The scriptures make us to understand that praise is a fundamental demand to experience the manifestation of the supernatural Exo. 15:11. When the believer takes on the lifestyle of praise, the supernatural becomes the normal occurrence in his life.

The Place of Praise in working the Supernatural.

  1. Praise is required for our supernatural restoration.

Before being born again, the devil and his agents had robbed the believer of all his rights in life Jn. 10:10; Mat. 11:28. This is why a man yet to experience salvation has too many things he is suffering. After being saved, God’s will is that all a believer has lost to the enemy be restored back to him. But this is without applying God’s power, and praise is what invokes the power of God for the supernatural or forceful restoration of the believer Mat. 11:12; Joel 2:23-25.

  • Praise is the requirement to see prophecies fulfilled.

Prophecies are the declaration from God on His intention for man Isa. 42:9. When such intentions are declared by God through His servant or His written word, God becomes committed to fulfill it Isa. 14:24,27. But to see God fulfill whatever He said requires that the believer invoke Him, and the guaranteed way to do this is by praise 1Ths. 5:24; Psa. 22:3; Jos. 6:1-2,16,20.

We understand from scriptures that the natural came out of the supernatural Heb. 11:3; Jn. 1:1-3. In essence, the natural is always at the command of the supernatural. Therefore, when the believer begins to manifest the supernatural life, he takes command of life in the natural.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, empower me by the your spirit for the lifestyle of praise, thereby positioning me for the experience of the supernatural as my normal experience henceforth Acts 2:4,11.


List out the problems confronting your life, and organize praise sessions on them today to dance them out of your life.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

Receive the hand of God for a life of high praise all the time from today!

Whatever has been a concern in your life is turning to a testimony before today end!


  • Chioma Victor 16-09-2022

    Quite refreshing. Thank you daddy.

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