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Memory verse:   

“Who is like unto thee, O LORD, among the gods? who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders?”

  • Exo. 15:11.

The supernatural is what God has ordained as the natural experience of everyone that is redeemed Isa. 8:18. The supernatural is life that is characterized by experiences that defies human, psychological and scientific explanations, but can only be described as the finger of God at work Exo. 8:19. The supernatural is what makes the believer to be relevant to his world, as the light of the world and the salt of the earth Mat. 5:13-15. When the believer lacks supernatural manifestations, his life is nothing different from that of any other person. But the supernatural demands the understanding of how to work it or make it happen 1Cor. 12:10.

The Place of Praise in working the Supernatural.

  1. Praise is required for the release of supernatural harvest from our seeds sown.

From the parable of the seed sower in scriptures, we see four types of outcome from the seed sown Mat. 3:3-8. Even for the seeds that fell on the good ground, they brought forth at different levels 30, 60 and 100 fold Mat. 3:8. From this parable only 8% of seeds sown will deliver harvest to full capacity, about 17% will deliver some level of harvest, while 75% will be lost. Praise is what will make our seeds to deliver maximally, without fail Psa. 67:5-7; Joe. 1:11-12.

  • Praise is vital to see prophecies become fulfilled.

God speak of His plan before He performs it; this is what we call prophecy Isa. 46:9-10. Remember, every time God speaks it is at His level of capacity, and His ways are higher than our ways Isa. 55:8-9. Therefore, when God speaks it is will require Himself to do it because it will be beyond the man Mk. 10:27. This where praise becomes vital, because it will always secure God’s hand for performance of what His mouth has spoken Rms. 4:16-21; 2Chr. 20:17,22-24.

Every believer is a supernatural being, but only those that will adopt praise as a lifestyle that will experience their right of supernatural. Therefore, the choice to live by praise is the wisdom for becoming a wonder in life Exo. 15:11.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, empower me by the your spirit for the lifestyle of praise, thereby positioning me for the experience of the supernatural as my normal experience henceforth Acts 2:4,11.


Make the choice to engage in praise every time challenges press on you to do otherwise.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

Every works of the enemy targeted at your praise is destroyed now!

Nothing shall take the praise of God from your lips and life!

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