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Memory verse:        

“Who is like unto thee, O LORD, among the gods? who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders?”

  • Exo. 15:11.

The supernatural can be simply defined as an occurrence that is beyond the laws of nature and cannot be explained with human mind or science. These are what we call miracles, signs and wonders. We understand from scriptures that redemption turns a believer into a supernatural being, who is now ordained to operate in the supernatural as his natural experience Isa. 8:18; Jn. 3:8, In essence, we are redeemed for signs and wonders in life Isa. 7:14-15; Jn. 17:18. But to experience this order of life, the believer must understand how to work the supernatural, because they don’t happen by themselves 1Cor. 12:10. The scriptures show us that praise is a requirement for setting the stage for the manifestation of the supernatural Rms. 4:19-20; Jn. 8:39.

The Place of Praise in working the Supernatural.

  1. Praise stirs the strange works and strange acts of God in our lives.

Every time our God works, He does strange works and strange acts Isa. 28:21-22. But to get God to work, the believer has the responsibility of stirring Him to work, and praise is fundamental at this Exo. 15:11. Our God only work in the atmosphere of praise, because He dwells only in praise Psa. 22:3. In essence, if you desire to see Him work, engage in His praise to set the stage for Him.

  • Praise invokes the fulfillment of prophecies.

Prophecies are declarations by God of what He will do Isa. 42:9. But whatever God says with His mouth will require His hand to deliver 1Kgs. 8:15,24. Remember, to get God to work require the atmosphere of praise Exo. 15:11. Therefore, the believer that desire to see prophecy fulfilled must engage in praise.

As believers, we have the heritage of the signs and wonders, where everything about our lives ought to the manifestation of the supernatural Isa. 8:18. This is what makes the believer to be the envy of his world. But to experience this in reality, we have the responsibility of making praise to become our lifestyle.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, empower me by the your spirit for the lifestyle of praise, thereby positioning me for the experience of the supernatural as my normal experience henceforth Acts 2:4,11.


Make a commitment for praise as a lifestyle.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

Receive now the garment of praise on your life!

The Holy Spirit of God shall be stirring the praise of God from your inside henceforth!


  • Philips 12-09-2022

    Thank you sir, for the prompt upload of the sermon before time. It’s been a blessing to me and my congregation, God bless and increase his anointing upon your life. More grace and auction to function in his vineyard ijn.

    • admin 13-09-2022

      Amen. It is a privilege, and I thank God that you blessed.

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