Categories: Dew of Hermon

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Categories: Dew of Hermon

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Memory verse:   

“If they obey and serve him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures.”

  • Job 36:11.

Scriptures make us to understand that all that a man need to make the most of his life on the earth is the blessing of God Pro. 10:22. Whether educated or not, great family back ground or not, powerful human connections or none and other such factors, when a man is truly blessed he is on the path of success and greatness in life. Serving God and the interest of His kingdom is the guarantee to the blessing of God Exo. 23:25-26. Many in life possess the mentality that serving God is doing favor to God, the church or the pastor. This is a misconception that robs many of the blessing of service; the truth is God is I AM, whatever we do or don’t Exo. 3:14; Mal. 3:6.

Scriptures further make us to understand that serving God is a choice; it is not a calling, gift, neither does God force any to serve Jos. 24:15; Matt. 4:19-20. It is choice individuals must make, and remain committed to until it speaks Gal. 4:9. But the assurance we have is that, no one serves God and regrets it. We have focused the teachings this week on the benefits that accrue to a believer who is committed to serving God.

The blessedness of commitment to serving God.

  1. Serving God turns our reproach to honor.

We defined serving God yesterday as engaging in what brings increase to God’s kingdom. God’s kingdom is measured in the number of souls that have turned from the life of sin, made a commitment to Christ and chosen to walk in righteousness Acts. 2:37-38,41. The more of such people we have in the church the more of honor we bring to God, and in return the more we are honored in life Pro. 14:28; 1Sam. 2:30. In essence, serving God brings a believer into honor, as every reproach is wiped off his life.

  • Serving God guarantees open rewards.

Every labor a man engages in life has the profit it delivers, but every labor delivers at its level Pro. 14:23. From scriptures we understand that when we labor for God and the advancement of His kingdom, often it is not seen by the men, but God sees and record everything. In return for those labor in the secret, God delivers rewards that turns the believer to the subject on every lip Matt. 6:9-10,17-18; Lk. 22:35.  

Therefore, it is wisdom to make the choice to become committed to serving God and the interest of His kingdom.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, I receive the enduement of the Holy Spirit for commitment to serving God and to remain tireless for life Eph. 3:16.


Strategize afresh to win more souls for Jesus in this last week of October, and labor to get new souls into church this Sunday.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

You are released as a battle axe in God’s hand from this day!

I see multitude drafted into the kingdom through you from today!


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