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Memory verse:   

“Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,”

  • Heb. 12:1.

Scriptures teach us that we should learn from those who have obtained what we are aspiring for Heb. 6:12. Jesus our perfect example gave his earthly life the approach of running a race, and the impact is still speaking today Heb. 12:1. Paul the apostle also had the approach of running a race, and today we still celebrate his impact on the earth 1Cor. 9:25-26. Every great man in life were men that had the approach of a runner in life 1Cor. 9:24. We have established that ‘running’ means a commitment in life to taking practical steps toward accomplishing one’s goal.

God is the owner of life, therefore to make the most of life one must run with divine instruction Isa. 48:17. Our teaching this week has been on the factors required to run successfully, and the rewards to expect. From now, I see you command great result in life.

Requirements for Running Successfully.

  1. Understand that God only reward result obtained Jn. 15:1-2.

No one can generate result without putting in sufficient effort Gen. 8:22. But we must understand that effort in itself is not enough, until it produces result one is not entitled for rewards. Therefore, we must be result oriented in our engagement, in order to run successfully in life.

  • Understand that only reapers win the prize Jn. 4:35-36; Dan. 12:3.

It is not enough that we go after souls, exerting much effort and labor. We must work to see souls saved, follow us to fellowship and become established in God’s house and the faith. It is then that the rewards of our engagement will be released.

Therefore, in the on-going ‘Operation Who is on the Lord’s Side’, we must labor to see our minimum of 4-established souls delivered. When we do, we are guaranteed to see God turn us into wonders this year. A good understanding of our due rewards will be a good motivation to deliver result in this season.

Returns on our Stewardship.

  1. Divine protection Lk. 10:17-19; Job 1:8-9.

As we commit to pursue after the advancement of God’s kingdom, scriptures makes it clear that God’s presence is guaranteed in the believer’s life. Among other things God’s presence secure against every assault of the wicked.

  1. Divine favor Psa. 102:13-15; Lk. 22:35.

When the believer is focused on the advancement of God’s kingdom, God focuses on His life to satisfy him with everything good as when due. This is what we call divine favor.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, endue me by the Holy Spirit to run and deliver my minimum 4 established souls in this on-going operation Zch. 4:6.


Believe God and win at least a soul for Jesus today.

Priestly Blessings.

I decree the release of divine wisdom on your life to deliver your soul for Jesus for today!

I decree as you engage for Jesus today, everything ugly around your life shall be turned to beauty!


  • Wilson Ichafo 18-03-2021


  • Wilson Ichado 18-03-2021


    • admin 20-03-2021

      Be blessed Wilson!

  • adultfriendrfinder 24-03-2021

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    since i like to find out more and more.

    • admin 26-03-2021

      You are highly welcome.

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