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Memory verse:   

“Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay

aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the

race that is set before us,”Heb. 12:1.

Often, what we attribute to the devil and the forces of the wicked are simply a product of our wrong approach to life Pro. 21:16.. For instance, until one gives life the approach of running a race, and one gets committed to running the race with an individualistic mindset, life may never answer to one’s desires 1Cor. 9:24-26. In running the race of life, one must understand that God determines the track, path and where one breasts the tape Heb. 12:1. An understanding of God’s instruction for our lives as an individual per time, and a commitment to take prompt practical steps to accomplish it is what it means to run the race of life.

Our teaching this week has been on the factors required to run successfully, and the rewards to expect. I pray that this week’s teaching shall position each one for a most glorious experience henceforth in life.

Requirements for Running Successfully.

  1. Engage a cry of the heart on the prayer altar 1Sam. 1:13-19; Neh. 1:1-10.

Every demand God places on a man will always demand God to get it accomplished 1Ths. 5:24. And we secure God to work by calling on Him with the heart on the prayer altar, like Hannah and Nehemiah did.

  • Seek God will all of our heart Jer. 29:13; Isa. 38:1-5.

Seeking God means to consciously direct all of the mind and heart towards knowing more of God experientially. This involves going into scriptures to know more of who God is, what He says to do and doing same. In essence, it involves knowledge and service. These two forces will always secure God’s attention and intervention, which are essential to succeed in running the race of life.

We have an instruction given by God for this season tagged ‘Operation Who is on the Lord’s Side’ Exo. 32:26. The demand is that every Winners’ must deliver 4-established souls in the faith and the church on or before April 18 2021. It’s good that we have the understanding of the blessings to enjoy as we run with this instruction.

Returns on our Stewardship.

  1. Supernatural wisdom Matt. 28:19-20; Pro. 13:20.

The on-going operation essentially is a kingdom advancement project, and from scriptures we understand that such will always secure divine company on every engaging believer. And divine company will always result into manifestation of divine wisdom in the believer.

  1. Supernatural fruitfulness Exo. 23:25-26; Psa. 127:3.

Every one that is engages toward the advancement of God’s kingdom is guaranteed to be supernaturally fruitful in his life. This is because God’s word has promised it, and God cannot break His covenant.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, endue me by the Holy Spirit to run and deliver my minimum 4 established souls in this on-going operation Zch. 4:6.


Ask God for the strategies to apply in order to secure your four souls for this season.

Priestly Blessings.

God will show you what to do on how to deliver your minimum four souls for this season!

Whatever has been your heart desires, they shall be practically delivered as testimonies before this 5 weeks is over!


  • Christine S. Theophilus 17-03-2021

    Amen and Amen!

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