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Memory verse:   

“Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,”

“I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”                             Php. 3:13-14.

The believer’s engagement in the kingdom is likened in scriptures to a race, with the mark to attain for him to be qualified for rewards Php. 3:13-14. What becomes of each believer is a function of how he runs that race to attain the mark. This is why you can see a believer in only few months of being saved with amazing experiences already, and another with years yet to reflect the glory of the kingdom.

Scriptural understanding for running the race of life.

  1. We must engage the power of self-imposed necessity for delivery.

Self-imposed necessity simply means placing demands on self to meet up with divine task. This is vital to maximize the kingdom opportunities 1Cor. 9:16; Php. 1:21.

  1. Become a law to self.

God will not force anything on the believer, and this has made many to become docile, and miss out on the great life the kingdom offers. The escape route is to make laws by self and enforce it in your kingdom pursuit 2Tim. 4:5-8.

From scriptures, serving God particularly in soul winning is the core responsibility that engages the believer in the race of life Job 36:11; Lk. 22:25-27.

Returns on spiritual stewardship.

  1. Security of our generations after us.

The impact of the believer’s service to God does not stop with his life, but goes to the generations after him Gen. 22:16-18; Psa. 112:1-3.

  1. Enthronement in eternity.

The rewards of serving God transcends this life to the life hereafter Lk. 22:28-30. It entitles the believer to a throne in eternity with Christ 2Tim. 4:5-8.


Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, empower me by your Spirit for tireless commitment to serving God and the advancement of His kingdom Acts 1:8.


Go after all your converts thus far this year, and get them to church tomorrow Sunday.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

All of your converts and contacts this year shall be in the service tomorrow Sunday!

Every satanic vice to stop them from coming to church tomorrow is destroyed now!


  • DCNS Felicia David Ohinoyi 23-03-2024

    I received the grace in Jesus name. Thanks daddy more grace in Jesus mighty name

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