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Memory verse:   

“Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,”

“I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”                             Php. 3:13-14.

There is a price-tag to everything in life; when the price is paid, one has the full right to the goods. The same applies to life in God’s kingdom; there is the price for every provision of God in the kingdom Isa. 55:1-2. The challenge with a lot of believers is that they keep waiting for the provisions of the kingdom, instead of getting to know the demand for it and meeting the demand. Life will answer to only those will run in the kingdom 1Cor. 9:24.

Scriptural understanding for running the race of life.

  1. Every believer has the God given capacity to bear fruits.

Bearing fruits in this context refers to getting the unsaved converted into children of God Jn. 15:16. The scriptures make it clear that every believer has been given the ability to do this, and only need to respond Mat. 28:14-30.

  1. Every believer is ordained as an ambassador of Christ.

The moment a man becomes born again, he is named an ambassador of Christ 2Cor. 5:5-17-20. Therefore, he now bears the authority and immunity of heaven; he only needs to exercise this right for everything to answer to him on the earth.

From scriptures, serving God particularly in soul winning is the core responsibility that engages the believer in the race of life Job 36:11; Lk. 22:25-27.

Returns on spiritual stewardship.

  1. Divine health.

Every work requires a healthy and strong body; this is why God is committed to make everyone serving Him in divine health Jn. 15:2.

  1. A good old age

Serving God makes the believer’s life to be supernatural preserved by God from all evil, which is the reason for the good old age Isa. 65:20-24; Exo. 23:25-26.


Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, empower me by your Spirit for tireless commitment to serving God and the advancement of His kingdom Acts 1:8.


Get on the field to win fresh souls for Christ.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

Every unsaved that hears you today shall be convicted and converted to Christ!

The hand of the Lord shall direct souls ready for salvation to you today!


  • Phil 22-03-2024


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