Memory verse:
“Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.”
The scriptures make us to understand that joy and rejoicing are fundamental virtues for experiencing a glorious life on the earth Psa. 16:11. This is why the scriptural commandment for the believer to rejoice always Php. 4:4; 1Ths. 5:16. Joy is not a function of the situation but a choice to make, which in turn empowers the believer to commit to what it takes. For instance, Paul who gave the instruction by the Holy Spirit wrote it from inside a prison in Philippi. Joy and rejoicing secure divine presence Psa. 16:11. It also gives access to revelation and inspiration Isa. 30:29-20. It is the medicine for health and vitality Pro. 17:22; 18:14. Also, it imparts with the strength that result in exploits Neh. 8:10; Dan. 11:32. But joy has to be consciously cultivated.
Scriptural understanding that helps in cultivating joy.
The scriptures show us clearly the nature of God that He cannot lie Tit. 1:2; Heb. 6:18. Therefore, whatever God says that He will do is what He is committed to do. Our joy is expression of faith in Him, which moves God to deliver with speed.
Redemption brings the believer into great inheritance in Christ 2Pet. 1:3; Acts 20:32. But access is a function of the believer’s level of joy Isa. 12:3. Many believers have robbed themselves of the great life ordained for them by their lack of joy.
When we question God, it is indirectly saying we are right while God is to be blamed for our situation. When a believer does this, he is walking n the path of folly that leads to destruction Mat. 11:6; Job 9:4. But God is always right, we may not understand some times because His ways are higher than our ways Isa. 55:8-9. This is why we need to simply follow Him by faith, and be joyful always.
You have the destiny of greatness and glory in Christ; joy and rejoicing is vital to actualize it Hab. 3:17-19. I see you walk on the high places of the earth from this day in your life.
Jesus is Lord!
Father in the name of Jesus, I receive a fresh baptism of the Spirit of joy and gladness thereby empowering me for the lifestyle of thanksgiving and praise from today Isa. 61:1,3.
Deal with whatever is making you not to be excited and rejoice.
Priestly Blessings.
I decree a fresh release of the oil of joy on your life right now!
Nothing shall be able to tamper with your joy from today!