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Memory verse:   

“Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.”

  • Php. 4:4.

Every manufacturer of a product will always accompany the product with a manual, which states the things to observe for maximum use of the product. God the creator of life in like manner gave us what it takes to make the most of the life we have. These are contained in His documented word, the bible Isa. 34:16. Joy and rejoicing is one fundamental of the demands that God gave for experiencing the best of life on the earth Php. 4:4.-5. Joy and rejoicing secures divine presence that result in abundance of all things Deu. 28:47-48. Joy will not happen by itself, nor can it be received because it is not a gift. It has to be cultivated by doing certain things, because it is a fruit of the Holy Spirit Gal. 5:22-23.

Scriptural understanding that helps in cultivating joy.

  1. A heart-seated gratitude is our covenant access to real joy.

Gratefulness will always result in joyfulness Lk. 10:21; Mal. 2:2-3. The reason many are not joyful is because of their lack of appreciation in life. For instance, when an individual does not truly appreciate his spouse, he will lack a joyful home. Gratitude or appreciation is an attitude; learn it and your joy will be unstoppable.

  • A heart that is after God and not things.

The scriptures make us to understand that the heart of man is the control point of his life Pro. 4:23. What occupies the heart will determine the experience of his life Pro. 23:7. For joy and rejoicing to be the experience, the heart of man must be after God and not things Psa. 16:4; 1Sam. 16:7.

  • Beware of depression.

Depression is an enemy of joy and rejoicing; one cannot be depressed and be excited at the same time Psa. 42:5,11; 43:5. Depression is a product of hopelessness, and a believer is never hopeless Job. 14:7-9,14. No matter the situation, keep your hope alive that there is a great tomorrow and your joy will remain full Pro. 4:18.

The truth is that every man is responsible for whatever his life turns out to be on the earth. If you will make the choice to be joyful, and remain so, you are sure of the best in life henceforth.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, I receive a fresh baptism of the Spirit of joy and gladness thereby empowering me for the lifestyle of thanksgiving and praise from today Isa. 61:1,3.


Make the choice to pursue after God and His kingdom as your priority from now.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

Every joy destroyer is destroyed in your life right now!

I decree from today, your joy shall be full and overflowing!


  • Fubara Godson Briggs 09-09-2022

    I am indeed touched n blessed by dz words frm our father n I receive all Priestley blessings n shall put to work all said fr d maximization of total victory in my life, Amen.

    • admin 09-09-2022

      Get set for manifestations of God in your life like you have never experienced before as you do!
      Be blessed.

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