Memory verse:
“Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.”
“Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.”
We have established from scriptures that no matter the situation of the believer, he must be joyful and rejoice Isa. 54:1; Hab. 3:17-19; Php. 4:4; 3:1. It is an instruction and a commandment; God does not give commands that are irrational, burdensome or out of place 1Jn. 5:3. God’s commands are intentional to bring man into His blessings when obeyed Deu. 28:1-2. In essence, the commandment to rejoice is for the blessing of the believer. In life, either scriptural or contemporary, every great man has the disposition of cheerfulness and excitement. The question is, how can one be joyful always?
Scriptural understanding that empowers the believer for joy and rejoicing.
God’s presence is essential to our well being and success in life Jn. 15:5; Psa. 127:1-2. And the scriptures make is clear that joy and rejoicing is vital to secure and maintain the presence of God in one’s life Psa. 16:11; 22:3.
Joy and rejoicing will secure God’s manifest presence, and in turn make the prison doors to open of their own accord to the believer Acts 16:25-30; Hab. 3:17-20. In essence, a joyful believer is never stranded in the journey of life.
God is the helper of our destiny and the one that can make us into who we are ordained to be in life Psa. 60:11-12. When we become offended in Him, we become disconnected from His help and have complicated our issues Num. 11:1; Lk. 17:1. In essence, remain excited with God, and celebrate Him no matter the situation.
Jesus is Lord!
Father, in the name of Jesus, I cast off everything that make for a downcast spirit in my life, and I receive the help of the Holy Spirit for joyfulness and rejoicing Php. 4:4.
Just rejoice and celebrate God for your life all through this last day of the year.
Priestly Blessings.
The mystery of the last day shall answer for you today!
There shall be strange dimension of testimonies in your life today as you rejoice!