by admin
by admin
Memory verse:
“Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.”
“Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.”
- Php. 4:4-5.
In our memory verse for the week, the scriptures repeated the instruction to rejoice twice in one short statement Php. 4:4. This is not because God has the challenge of stammering, but for emphasis sake to show the importance of the instruction. How important is joy and rejoicing? The scriptures make us to understand that without God, we cannot do anything in life Jn. 15:5; Psa. 127:1-2. And joy and rejoicing is vital to secure the presence and manifestation of God in the believer’s life Psa. 16:11. In essence, joy and rejoicing is a must for a fulfilling life Joel 1:11-12; Heb. 12:2. Remember, joy has to be cultivated by each person.
Scriptural understanding that empowers the believer for joy and rejoicing.
- Understand that our God cannot lie.
There are few things that God almighty cannot do, one of it is that He cannot lie Tit. 1:2; Heb. 6:18. Whatever He says He will do that He will do Num. 23:23. In essence, whatever is the situation if we can only discover what He has said; we should become excited for that is what will happen.
- It takes joy and rejoicing to possess our inheritance.
By redemption, the believer has great inheritance in Christ that promises great life Acts 20:32; 2Pet. 1:3. But the scriptures make us to understand categorically that joy is vital to gain access to these great inheritances Isa. 12:3. In essence, lack of joy will rob the believer of the glorious life ordained for him.
- We must beware of questioning God.
The natural man ask, ‘why me’ or ‘God where are you’, when things happen in the contrary in his life. By this we are telling God He is at fault. From scriptures, we understand that God is never to blame no matter what, it is the believer that has erred and when we correct our error we are instantly restored Lk. 15:17-24.
Jesus is Lord!
Father, in the name of Jesus, I cast off everything that make for a downcast spirit in my life, and I receive the help of the Holy Spirit for joyfulness and rejoicing Php. 4:4.
Where things seem not to happen as desired, search for where you have erred from kingdom ways, and correct yourself.
Priestly Blessings.
These last two days of this year shall be your best days in the year!
There shall be strange visitations of God in your life that shall result in great testimonies!
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Memory verse: “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun” Ecc 1:9. The truth is that God’s power does not diminish in potency and capacity to deliver, no matter […]
Memory verse: “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun” Ecc 1:9. When we see what God has done, it shows us what He will ordinarily do again for […]
Memory verse: “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun” Ecc 1:9. We established that God says a thing before He does it Isa. 42:8-9. God has spoken of […]
Memory verse: “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun” Ecc 1:9 . Our God operates prophetically; He declares His intentions and plans to us before doing them Isa. 42:8-9. […]