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Memory verse:   

“Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.” 

“Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.”

  • Php. 4:4-5.

We have established from scriptures that joy and rejoicing is God’s command to the believer in spite of the situation Php. 4:4. When the believer obeys this, it establishes his safety, from evil, troubles and challenges of life Php. 3:1. The scriptures make us to understand that God Himself operates in joy to enjoy the unquestionable victory we know Him for. The scriptures say when the enemy is raging, God laughs, and by that He terrifies the enemies Psa. 2:4-5. In essence, God recommends joy and rejoicing to the believer because it is His secret to His supernatural rest all round. But we have the responsibility to make joy happen in our lives as individual’s life.

Scriptural understanding that empowers the believer for joy and rejoicing.

  1. A heart-seated gratitude is the covenant access to real joy.

Gratefulness stirs excitement on the inside, which will normally explode into joy and rejoicing on the outside Lk. 10:21; Mal. 2:2-3. Gratefulness has its roots in sense of worth for everything, no matter how little it seems to be Psa. 103:1-2; Exo. 16:15.

  • Gratitude from the heart count most with God.

The scriptures make us to understand that what God is interested in is the heart of the believer, not just his outward expressions 1Sam. 16:7; Isa. 19:13. When the heart is truly full of joy, God has found the individual to manifest Himself in His life 2Chr. 16:9.

  • Depression is a robber, run from it.

Depression is the state of being downcast in the heart, or having no hope in life Psa. 42:5,11. When one cannot see a future, the heart is robbed of joy Heb. 12:2. Therefore, we must keep seeing a glorious future through God’s word in order to remain joyful.

Jesus is Lord!


Father, in the name of Jesus, I cast off everything that make for a downcast spirit in my life, and I receive the help of the Holy Spirit for joyfulness and rejoicing Php. 4:4.


Keep what God says as your focus; stop giving consideration to what is happening around you in your heart.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

The strength to have your heart fixed on God and what He says is released now!

You shall end this year well and great!

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