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Memory verse:   

“Wherefore (as the Holy Ghost saith, To day if ye will hear his voice,” 

“ Harden not your hearts, as in the provocation, in the day of temptation in the wilderness:”

  • Heb. 3:7-8.

God has life on the earth programmed into times and seasons Ecc. 3:1-2. The understanding of this and alignment is what empowers the believer to maximize his moments in life 1Chr. 12:32. The scriptures make us to understand that it not just enough to understand what the time is, and the demands it places on man. Our response, particularly how we respond is, what will determine our outcome 1Cor. 9:24-27.

How to respond to every divine vision and instruction for profit.

  1. Every divine vision demands prompt response.

Peter was prompt in his response to the heavenly vision that resulted in the gospel going into the Gentile world Acts 10:19-22,44-48. If he had dragged his feet at it, or given it to human consideration, he may have ended up not responding and lost out of that great privilege given to him by God. Promptness means to step out in obedience of faith without subjecting the instruction to human analysis.

  • Understand that delayed response can erode of the effect thereof.

Every divine instruction and vision carries divine power, which imparts the believer with the drive to pursue and delivery the vision Ezk. 2:2. Delay in our response makes the power to wane, and the longer the delay the less the impact becomes until the power is finally lost. At this stage, whatever God has promised is lost. It will appear that the vision failed, when it was the believer that failed to act in good time SOS 5:2-7; Ezk. 12:21-23.

Therefore, every winner who desires to see God’s word of dramatic change of story for this season of Operation Hit your Target accomplished must respond prompt to the demand of the season. The demand is to gather minimum twelve souls for Christ into the church, and labor to see four of them established in the faith and the church.

Jesus is Lord!


Father, in the name of Jesus, empower me by the Holy Spirit to maximize this prophetic season as I passionately pursue after the unsaved to deliver my minimum twelve souls for Christ Acts 18:9-10.


Go after everyone within your circle of influence who are yet to be saved, for their salvation this week.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

I decree the release of the hand of God on your life for full delivery in this operation!

Your reward for every soul won for Christ is delivered speedily now!

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