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Memory verse:   

“And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.”                Mat.21:22.

Every believer is involved in prayer, but how many have result to show for their engagement? But the scriptures make us to understand that every prayer of the believer is ordained for answer Mat. 21:22. The prayer of the believer that will generate result is one that is not prayed amiss, which means it has a right motive Jms. 4:2-3. In essence, if effort on the prayer platform will deliver result, there are demands to observe.

How to make the prayer platform deliver results.

  1. Refuse to take no for an answer.

Often in scriptures, the initial appearance of God seems not to have His eyes on a person when in the real sense the individual is His focus Gen. 18:1-2; Mat. 14:25-27. Therefore, the believer that will command result in prayer must learn to be persistent to have his desired result. The following examples exemplify this truth.

  1. The example of Jacob.

God appeared to Jacob on his return journey back to his father’s house. At the appearance of God, Jacob began to wrestle with God, because it was like God was only passing by. Jacob got the his desired blessing because he won’t let go, but wrestled until he prevailed Gen. 32:24-28.

2. The example of Elijah.

Elijah prophesied to king Ahab that the draught of three and half years will end, and there shall be rainfall 1Kgs. 18:41. At first there was no sign that anything would happen, but he refused the negativity. As he persisted in prayer, he prevailed and enforced the heaven to pour rain on the land 1Kgs. 18:40-46; Jms. 5:16-18.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, my prayer altar comes on fire afresh now thereby making my prayer to deliver result from today Mk. 1:24.


Identify your desires and goals for the year, and be persistent on their delivery.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

This shall be a year that no desire shall fail in your life!

Whatever the mouth of the Lord has said concerning you shall be delivered with speed!


  • DCNS Felicia David Ohinoyi 20-01-2024

    Amen, thanks for this Msg sir

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