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Memory verse:   

“And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.”                Mat.21:22.


The believer as the redeemed of the Lord has an advantage in life, which gives the guarantee of a glorious life irrespective of his environment. This advantage is the prayer platform that enables him to demand for whatever he desires with the assurance of God giving it to him Mat. 21:22; Mk. 11:24. One can therefore ask the question, why do we yet have many believers going through the pressure of life like every other person? My humble answer is lack of the understanding of how to maximize the prayer altar Ecc. 10:15.

How to make the prayer platform deliver results.

  1. Engage in a cry of faith.

Faith is the believer’s way to please God, and the way to gain access to God and all that the kingdom offers Heb. 11:6. In essence, the believer that will command result in prayer must engage his faith on the prayer altar Mk. 11:24. Therefore, the following becomes vital for prayer to deliver result.

  1. The believer must intentionally build his faith.

Faith is built through feeding on God’s word on the issue of interest, to the point of being confident in taking action on the word Rms. 10:17.

  1. Express your faith in prayer on the issue of interest.

A cry of faith unto God in the place of prayer is guaranteed to command God’s attention and instant response Mk. 10:46-52.

  • The prayer of faith will silence the opposition to answered prayer.

It takes the prayer of faith to quench all the fiery darts of the devil against answered prayer Eph. 6:16; mat. 17:19-21.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, my prayer altar comes on fire afresh now thereby making my prayer to deliver result from today Mk. 1:24.


Sit with God’s word in the areas of concern in your life, and build your faith.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

Receive the release of the Spirit of faith on your life afresh now!

By faith, you shall command instant answer on the altar of prayer from today!


  • Mrs FELICIA DAVID OHINOYI 17-01-2024

    Father help me to love you iJm

  • Adeolu 17-01-2024

    Great message

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