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Memory verse:   

“Thus saith the Lord GOD; I will yet for this be enquired of by the house of Israel, to do it for them; I will increase them with men like a flock.”

  • Ezk. 36:37.

In electricity, the life-wire is known to carry the current or power that makes the whole system to work. In essence, prayer is what carries or generate the power for the other aspects of the church life Acts 4:30-33. It is this power that drives the church for growth Lk. 4:14-22; Acts 1:8. This is why either in bible days or contemporary, every praying church is a growing church and every church that will keep growing must keep praying Isa. 66:7-8. Remember, in the growth of the church is glory of believers Jer. 30:19. In essence, when the church experience growth every shame around the believer that participates in the growth is turned to glory. Therefore, it is wisdom for a believer to pursue after church growth by engaging on the prayer altar.

The power of prayer for church growth.

  1. No church grows without a people on the go.

From scriptures, we understand that church growth is about greater number of people making the commitment of their lives to Christ Acts 2:46-47. Therefore, soul winning is God’s wisdom for sustaining church growth Jn. 15:16; Lk. 14:17-23.

  • Prayer is vital for soul winning endeavor to be fruitful.

In prayer, we destroy the powers of darkness that hold sinners captive, refusing them to be saved Lk. 11:21-22. Also, in prayers we tear-off the blindfold that Satan uses to deceive the unsaved from accepting salvation 2Cor. 4:4. In essence, if our effort in soul winning will not be futile, we must engage in prayer.

  • Prayer is required to get people established in the faith and church.

For true and lasting church growth, we are not only to have men saved but also established in the faith as they abide in the church Jn. 15:16. When we have men come to church without being saved and established in the faith, we will have oscillating kind of church growth as they keep leaving at the same rate they come. Prayer is the spiritual force to get converts to be established in the faith and the church, which will result in true and sustainable church growth Isa. 66:7-8; Gal. 4:19; Col. 4:12.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, baptize me afresh with the Spirit of grace and supplication, thereby empower me for tireless kingdom advancement prayer investment Zch. 12:10.


Pray that all your converts this year be established in the faith and this church.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

Every of our converts this year shall firmly establish in the faith and this church!

I decree the reward for your labor after souls into the kingdom shall be fully delivered!

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