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Memory verse:   

“And it came to pass about an eight days after these sayings, he took Peter and John and James, and went up into a mountain to pray.” 

“And as he prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white and glistering.”

  • Lk. 9:28-29.

Every believer that engages in prayer and fasting is guaranteed changes in the life 2Cor. 4:15-17. As the person is changed, the scriptures make us to understand that whatever is an unpleasant situation will be changed as well without fail Mat. 17:19-21. Often, the miss out on the transformation power of the altar of prayer and fasting because wrong perspective and expectation Pro. 23:18. When we keep looking and anticipating for God to change the issue, while God is out to change our person. Jacob almost lost it, except for the mercy of God Gen. 32:24-28. Every man of prayer in scriptures had their person transformed for their situation to experience their desired change.

Scriptural examples of transformation power of prayer.

  1. Paul.

Paul the Apostle was an addicted and excited intercessor 2Cor. 11:27. Paul lived a lifestyle of prayer and fasting, this we can see by reason of the instruction he gave in many of his epistles because he teaches on ly what he does Gal. 4:19; Php. 4:6-7; 1Ths. 5:17. He said his wish is that all men stand every hand with holy hands lifted in prayers 1Tim. 2:8. His lifestyle of prayer transformed Paul that he demonstrated dominion over death practically in every instance 1Cor. 15:54-55; 2Cor. 11:25; Php. 1:21-25. In essence, Paul was transformed from mortal into immortal.

Every man in scriptures is a man of  like passion like us, whatever they experienced is what we can today if we will subscribe to the same demands of scriptures ms. 5:16. Therefore, every one of us must expect to return transformed as we engage fervently in the remaining days of our prayer and fasting Pro. 23:18.

Jesus is Lord!


Father, in the name of Jesus, baptize me with the Spirit of grace and supplication, thereby making me to engage passionately in the on-going prayer and fasting to return with undeniable transformation on all sides Lk. 9:28-30.


Make a commitment to the life of prayer and fasting like you have never done before this year.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

I decree a release of the Spirit of grace and supplication on you afresh now!

This is a year you will find difficult to forget because of God’s strange hand coming on your life!

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