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Memory verse:   

“And it came to pass about an eight days after these sayings, he took Peter and John and James, and went up into a mountain to pray.” 

“And as he prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white and glistering.”

  • Lk. 9:28-29.

The altar of prayer is the altar of fire; the fire is what results in the transformation power of prayer 1Kgs. 18:37-38. There is nothing that comes in contact with the fire from the prayer altar that ever remains the same; it will always transform everything. Just like the pipe that conducts water is the first to be impacted by the water that flows through it, so it is with prayer. The fire comes on the believer that is engaged on the prayer altar first before any other thing Acts 2:3-4. This is why the transformation in prayer begins with the believer’s life, then his situation and affairs of his life. In essence, prayer does not only change things, fundamentally it changes people.

Scriptural examples of transformation power of prayer.

  1. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.

These are the three Hebrew young men, a company of prayer warriors. They kept a prayer company with Daniel, to ask God for the secret the king had in the night which he has forgotten Dan. 2:17-19. Through prayer the secret was made known and this caused a reverse of the king’s decree Dan. 2:19-21. Their engagement in prayer had impacted on their mortal bodies that fire no longer had power, first over their bodies, then on their cloths Dan. 3:27. The smell of fire could not even be perceived on them because by prayer their body has become transformed into immortal Dan. 3:28.

God’s principle are eternal; hence prayer is still changing people today Mal. 3:6. Therefore, every one of us must expect to return transformed as we engage fervently in the remaining days of our prayer and fasting Pro. 23:18.

Jesus is Lord!


Father, in the name of Jesus, baptize me with the Spirit of grace and supplication, thereby making me to engage passionately in the on-going prayer and fasting to return with undeniable transformation on all sides Lk. 9:28-30.


Wait on God to know the change in you that will deliver your desired change in life.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

God is turning your mourning into dancing this week!

The fire of God is consuming every seed of the enemy in your life right now!


  • DannyJoy Oguzie 20-01-2023

    Thank you Sir for all the sacrifices you make to feed us with insight from God’s Word! I remain eternally grateful

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