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Memory verse:   

“Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee.”

“Then shall the earth yield her increase; and God, even our own God, shall bless us.”

“God shall bless us; and all the ends of the earth shall fear him.”

Psa. 67:5-7.


Every man has desires and expectations; at the root of struggles and frustration in life is the lack of the understanding of how to take delivery of those desires Ecc. 10:15. The scriptures shows us the way to make every good desire come to fulfillment, and this is through the mystery of praise Psa. 67:5-7. Here this, it’s not yet late to have our desires for the year become a reality, if we will engage this mystery of praise effectively.

What is in praise that makes it turn desires to reality?

  1. It brings God into manifestation.

When our praise goes up, God comes down in person into our situation. This is because when we engage in praise we have created a habitation for God Psa. 22:3. When God comes down He stirs a turnaround as we have desired Isa. 64:1.

  1. It brings the glory of God down.

When our praise goes up, the glory of God comes down 2Chr. 5:13-14. The release of glory is the end of all issues of shame and reproach in the believer’s life Zph. 3:17,19-20. In essence, true praise guarantees dramatic change of story.

The truth is that the believer can praise his way out of captivity of the wicked into liberty Isa. 54:1-3. All it will require is that the praise must be from the heart of gratitude, joy and rejoicing Isa. 29:13.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, I make the choice for praise as my lifestyle from today, and I receive the grace for it Deu. 30:19.


List your pending desires for the year, and praise God for them.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

The grace for the life of ceaseless praise comes on you now!

Every pending desire of your life for this year are released in to your hands today!

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