Memory verse:
“My son, give me thine heart, and let thine eyes observe my ways.”
The scriptures make us to understand that the heart is central to the life of man; whatever is in control of the heart has control of man’s life Pro. 23:7; 4:23. In essence, the heart determines everything in a man’s life. Further from scriptures, we understand that the indicator of what controls the heart is by what an individual gives his time to Psa. 90:12. A heart that pants after God and His kingdom is the guarantee for a great life Mat. 6:33. And as we said, the availability of our time for God is the prove of having a heart for God.
Scriptural examples of giants made by making their time available to God.
Moses was caring for his father in-law’s cattle when God suddenly demanded of him to take up an assignment for him Exo. 3:7-10. This was not part of his plan or schedule, and a most difficult task to undertake because Moses had just fled for his life from the same Egypt God was sending him to Exo. 2:15. Despite all these, Moses abandon every other thing, took his wife and children to go on this ‘suicidal’ mission Exo. 4:21-22. Moses ended up becoming a most outstanding prophet of all times Num. 12:1-3; Deu. 34:7,10-12.
The truth is that one cannot give his time for the pursuit of God and the advancement of His kingdom and not emerge a celebrity on the earth Mat. 6:33.
Jesus is Lord!
Father, in the name of Jesus, endue me by your Spirit with grace for the tireless pursuit of you and the advancement of your kingdom, thereby empowering me to rise as a kingdom giant Zch. 4:7.
Draw a schedule of your engagement for kingdom service, set targets particularly for the on-going operation.
Priestly Blessings.
I decree the hand of God on your life for the tireless pursuit of God and His kingdom!
Receive the release of fresh grace to maximize the abundant life of the kingdom!Pro