Categories: Dew of Hermon

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Categories: Dew of Hermon

by admin


Memory verse:   

“My son, give me thine heart, and let thine eyes observe my ways.”

  • Pro. 23:26.

We understand from scriptures that the devil is constantly waging war against man, particularly the believer 1Pet. 5:8; Eph. 6:12. His intention is to rob every victim of the great life and destiny ordained by God Jn. 10:10. We have established from scriptures that the target of the devil is our time; in essence, there is battle over our time Col. 4:5; Eph. 5:16. The way to win this battle is the decision and commitment to devote our time for God and the interest of His kingdom Ecc. 12:13. When the pursuit of God and the advancement of the kingdom become the priority in our schedule and time, we have positioned ourselves for victory in life, with the guarantees of rising to greatness Mat. 6:33.

Examples of giants in scriptures made through the right use of their time.

  1. The example of Daniel.

Daniel was one of the teenage Jews taken as captive to Babylon when Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem Dan. 1:1-6. They were of the royal family with great qualities. I believe the incidence made these teenagers to be despair, and there confidence in God was eroded but not Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Daniel in particular decided to remain devoted to God despite all the attempt of king Nebuchadnezzar to make them disconnect from God Dan. 1:5,8; 2:16-19,23-24. His commitment to God supernaturally lifted Daniel to a ruler in Babylon through four successive kings of two different kingdoms Dan. 1:19-21; 2:46-49; 5:29-31; 6:1-3. One cannot have time for God without making enviable mark on the earth.

Jesus is Lord!


Father, in the name of Jesus, empower me by your Spirit to make the most of my time in using it for only expedients from today 1Cor. 6:12.


Make a commitment to kingdom advancement prayer and Word study and practice as a lifestyle from today.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

Be delivered from everything contesting with your time for God now!

Receive the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to remain devoted to God to the end!


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