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Memory verse:   

“And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the

 voice of the LORD thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the LORD thy God will set thee

 on high above all nations of the earth:”  

“And all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou

 shalt hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God.”

  • Deut. 28:1-2.

The scriptures make it clear that God’s kingdom is a very orderly kingdom 1Cor. 14:33;40. To be orderly implies that there are rules, laws and principles that guide every detail of life in the kingdom Isa. 28:10-13. Our alignment to kingdom order by obedience to the laws and rules is what positions us for the best of experience in the kingdom. We must understand that our obedience to kingdom laws is not what makes us acceptable or to please God. It is the blood of Jesus and our accepting same over our lives that does Heb. 10:19; 9:22.

Someone may now ask, what then is obedience to the laws meant for? In simple words, it is meant for our access to the welfare packages of the kingdom. Every provision of God for His children in the kingdom has the principle and law that must be obeyed to access it Deut. 28:1-2. The truth is that obedience can be costly, but the result is priceless Gen. 22:1-5,16-18.

In our teachings this week, we shall be studying basic understanding about the laws of the kingdom and our obedience that will empower us for delightsome obedience. This will result in our unstoppable and all round prosperity. I believe this shall be a memorable week for you.

Scriptural Understanding on the Laws of God’s kingdom and our Obedience.

  1. The bible is a practical manual for profitable living, and not a religious book Jos. 1:8; 2Tim. 3:16-17; Heb. 4:2.

The bible is not a religious book; it is the documentation of the instruction of the manufacturer of man, on how man (the product) can make the most of his life on the earth. In essence, we don’t read the bible to become more religious, it is essentially for us to understand how to live.

The life of Abraham is a typical example. Abraham at 75 years was a failure, but his obedience to every instruction of God per time brought him into sworn blessing that covers his generations after him. Today, Abraham is a trans-generational blessing on the earth and the only one known as a father in heaven.

The implication of this understanding is that every instruction or law of God is an examination of life. Our act of obedience is what makes us to pass, which then qualifies us for change of story Deut. 28:1. In essence, when a believer is not experiencing change of level, he should check for the kingdom law he is not obeying. I too sure as we obey the instruction for this season tagged Operation By All Means, I see our greatness emerge.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, I receive the empowerment of the Holy Spirit to walk in obedience to every instruction of God, thereby invoking the blessings of God on my life like never before Ezk. 36:27.


Check where things seem not be working in your life and what the bible says concerning that aspect of life, whether you are in alignment.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

Receive afresh now the baptism of the Spirit of obedience on your life now!

I invoke God’s mercy concerning every act of disobedience of the past that has robbed of your blessings now!


  • Wilson Ichado 19-07-2021


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