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Memory verse:   

“Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.”

  • Jn. 15:16.

We have established in our teachings this week that we are in a season appointed by God for harvest of souls into the kingdom Jer. 5:24. The scriptures recognizes such seasons, remember we serve the God of times and seasons Ecc. 3:1-11. It does not mean souls cannot be harvested for God in other seasons, but there are the ‘in seasons’ and ‘out seasons’ for harvest as made clear in scriptures 2Tim. 4:2. We must understand that this spiritual exercise of harvest of souls is the secret for supernatural rise of giants of the believer Pro. 11:30; 3:35; Dan 12:3. Therefore, this is a season not to toy with, as God has ordained the rise of giants in the church as we respond to the demand of harvest.

Effective ways of being on the go for Christ.

  1. Engage in aggressive marketing.

We have established the truth that the believer is a marketer of the gospel. In sales, it is aggressive marketing that makes for great sale. Therefore, we need to engage in aggressive marketing of the gospel to have great response of the unsaved to salvation Rms. 9:1-3; 1Cor. 9:16-17; Php. 1:21.

  • Engaging the prayer altar to water the seed of the word for harvest.

We sow the seed of the word as we reach out to the unsaved, but we must water the same by prayer for us to have the seed produce harvest 1Cor. 3:6. Therefore, for our labor on the field to produce good result, we must engage the prayer altar intensely Isa. 66:7-8.

  • It takes a heart for God to have time for Him.

The task of harvest of souls demands the use of much time. This is because it involves going to where the unsaved can be found, sit patiently with them, talking passionately for them to be persuaded to turn their lives over to Christ Rms. 10:14-15. It is a heart for God that enables the believer to engage his time for God without reservation Psa. 119:46,164; 55:17.

It is harvest time; let us arise and go all the way bringing the harvest that God has prepared for Himself out there into the kingdom Jer. 5:14. You shall be a testifier of this season.

Jesus is Lord!


Father, in the name of Jesus, I receive help of the Holy Spirit to maximize this harvest weeks and fully deliver to your expectation on my life Acts 1:8.


Ensure you go to the home cell today and church tomorrow with minimum a new convert.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

You shall miss the great things God has prepared for you this season!

I decree a fresh release of strength no you for full delivery in this season!

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