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Memory verse:   

“After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.” 

“Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.”

  • Mat. 6:9-10.

God’s kingdom operates by the principle of instruction and blessing Deut. 28:1-2. In essence, the blessing of God will only answer to the believer who will embrace and apply himself to the instruction of God. We belong to a kingdom of blessing, the blessings are ordained to make the redeemed the envy on the earth Acts 3:26; Pro. 10:22. The believer is said to be God’s house, this makes prayer the primary commandment of God for his life Mk. 11:17; Mat. 6:6. The prayer the scriptures instruct the believer to engage in is one with focus on kingdom advancement Mat. 6:9-10. Therefore, we can conclude that kingdom advancement prayer is all believers’ responsibility and not an optional task.

Helps to make Believer’s Adopt Kingdom Advancement Prayer Lifestyle.

  1. Nehemiah’s example.

Nehemiah was a slave turned to a steward in a heathen king palace Neh. 1:1; 2:1. Yet, Nehemiah had the record of being given to the life of prayer and fasting, not for personal things, but the restoration of the glory of Jerusalem Neh. 1:4-11; 2:5-10. Nehemiah rose to be the governor of Judah without election Neh. 5:14.

  • Understanding of what to pray for.

One thing that God require of His children that will make His kingdom to prosper on the earth is giving of our heart totally to Him Pro. 23:26; Deut. 11:13. Therefore, praying for the brethren to grow in their love for God is kingdom advancement prayer Rms. 5:5.

  • Understanding of the reward.

One thing that motivates greatest is the understanding of the reward for any engagement. Praying for kingdom advancement is a labor of love, it makes God always remember to reward the believer Heb. 6:10; Neh. 5:14.

Kingdom advancement prayer is a task that makes the believer to keep changing levels of glory. As you commit yourself, this shall be a year to remember for you.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, I make the choice for kingdom advancement as my focus in prayer form today, baptize me with the Spirit of grace and supplication to remain commitment for life Zch. 12:10.


Identify your converts of last year that are yet to be established in the faith and church, and engage in prayer towards their establishment.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

The fire of God on your prayer altar shall keep getting stronger all through the year!

This shall be your year of riding prosperously and in majesty!


  • Jonathan Arabome 14-01-2022

    Amen and Amen

  • Bezaleel P. 14-01-2022


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