by admin
by admin
Memory verse:
“And he taught, saying unto them, Is it not written, My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer? but ye have made it a den of thieves. ”
- Mk. 11:17.
New birth promises the life of greatness not only in this world, but also hereafter Mat. 19:27-29. The believer needs to understand the requirement to actualize this in his life. Remember the believer is God’s building, and God’s building is ordained a house of prayer 1Cor. 3:9; Mk. 11:17. Jesus taught us that the prayer that will prevail must have God’s kingdom as its priority Mat. 6:9-10. This makes kingdom advancement prayer the responsibility of every believer that will experience the life of greatness.
Examples of Saints in the Bible who though not ordained are intercessors.
- Nehemiah.
Nehemiah was a steward in the king’s palace Neh. 1:1; 2:1. As a cup bearer, he stands before the king or at a standby all the time. Yet, Nehemiah was known with a life of prayer and fasting, and it was for the restoration of Jerusalem Neh. 1:4-11; 2:1-10. Nehemiah experienced supernatural lifting to become a governor Neh. 5:14.
What are we to Pray for?
- Pray continuously for growth in our love for God.
The scriptures make us to understand that love for God will empower the believer to serve Him in season and out of season SOS 8:6; Mat. 6:24; Jn. 21:15-17. Love is a choice, but it must be empowered by the Holy Spirit for it to be steadfast Jos. 24:15; Rms. 5:5. When our love for God is established, it endears us to God for His rewards that culminates in greatness 1Cor. 2:9; Heb. 6:10.
Jesus is Lord!
Father, in the name of Jesus, baptize me with the Spirit of grace and supplication afresh Zch. 12:10.
Seek for God to empower you for a greater level of love for Him and His kingdom.
Priestly Blessings.
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Memory verse: “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun” Ecc 1:9. The truth is that God’s power does not diminish in potency and capacity to deliver, no matter […]
Memory verse: “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun” Ecc 1:9. When we see what God has done, it shows us what He will ordinarily do again for […]
Memory verse: “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun” Ecc 1:9. We established that God says a thing before He does it Isa. 42:8-9. God has spoken of […]
Memory verse: “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun” Ecc 1:9 . Our God operates prophetically; He declares His intentions and plans to us before doing them Isa. 42:8-9. […]