Memory verse:
“Therefore thus will I do unto thee, O Israel: and because I will do this unto thee, prepare to meet thy God, O Israel.”
Amos 4:12.
Every challenge of man is resolved when man encounters God; we have defined encounter with God as the sudden appearance of God to a man Acts 7:35. Therefore, one genuine encounter with God will deliver better result than the effort of man over his life time. It was one divine encounter that terminated the wilderness experience of Moses and made him the great prophet we celebrate till today Exo. 3:16. But encounter with God must be prepared for by man Exo. 19:11-12.
How to prepare for divine encounter particularly at Shiloh 2023?
Shiloh is not a church anniversary, but a place for taking delivery of our hanging inheritance in Christ Jos. 18:3; 2Pet. 1:3. Every believer is a product of his understanding Pro. 21:16. We must approach Shiloh 2023 with this mindset, for it to answer as a mountain of encounter.
The scripture is explicit on this matter; without holiness no man can experience God Heb. 12:14. In essence, holiness is a vital requirement for divine encounter and for possessing our possessions Oba. 17; Acts 20:32. We must strive at holiness as we get set for Shiloh 2023.
Faith is the believer’s access to everything in the kingdom Mk. 9:23; Hab. 2:4. In essence, to maximize Shiloh 2023, we need to ascend to a new level of faith. And this is by positioning for an encounter with the Spirit of faith through the voice of God Ezk. 2:2; 2Cor. 4:13.
Jesus is Lord!
Father in the name of Jesus, I receive the help of the Holy Spirit for adequate preparation thereby making Shiloh 2023 to answer fully in my life Acts 8:26.
Take time to sit with God’s word to build your faith to a new level.
Priestly Blessings.
The challenges that follow you to Shiloh 2023 shall return with you as testimonies!
The impact of Shiloh 2023 shall keep speaking in your life forever!