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Memory verse:   

“Therefore thus will I do unto thee, O Israel: and because I will do this unto thee, prepare to meet thy God, O Israel.”

Amos 4:12.

Divine encounter is real! And it is the experience of God’s appearance to an individual in life Gen. 12:1. God do appear to men, and one of such appearance is enough to settle a man’s destiny forever. It is one encounter with God that turned Abraham into a trans-generational blessing from someone is has no identity Isa. 51:1-2. But we understand that every divine encounter demands spiritual preparation.

How to prepare for divine encounter particularly at Shiloh 2023?

  1. Have the proper understanding of Shiloh.

We need to understand that Shiloh is not a church event, but a mountain of empowerment Jos. 18:1. As we are empowered, we experience our desired change of story and testimony. Therefore, we must approach Shiloh 2023 seeking for empowerment Psa. 66:3.

  1. We must turn from our sin.

If Shiloh among other things is for empowerment, it becomes essential that we get rid of sin in our lives in order to access power Lk. 5:38; Pro. 1:23. In essence, a necessary preparation for Shiloh 2023 will be to turn away from every sin.

  1. We must follow peace with all men.

Encounter with God demands absolute focus on God Mat. 6:22. Following peace with all men will deliver us from every form of distraction, which could prevent us from hearing God and missing our encounter with God Heb. 12:14.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, I receive the help of the Holy Spirit for adequate preparation thereby making Shiloh 2023 to answer fully in my life Acts 8:26.


Do a sincere personal appraisal with the Holy Spirit of every besetting sin, and do away with them.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

Every besetting sin in your life is purged by the blood of Jesus now!

The grace for absolute focus to maximize Shiloh 223 is released on you now!

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