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Memory verse:   

“Therefore thus will I do unto thee, O Israel: and because I will do this unto thee, prepare to meet thy God, O Israel.”

  • Amos 4:12.

An encounter can be defined as the sudden appearance of God in a place. When God appears in place it is not just to pass the time, not just for fun, neither is God on tourism. God appears to meet with individuals, and the purpose is for their change of story Psa. 65:9-10. Therefore, an encounter simply means divine visitation. But every divine visitation requires spiritual preparation by everyone that will be a beneficiary Amos 4:12; Exo. 19:10-11. The scriptures make us to understand that God appoints places for his appearance Jer. 18:2-3. In this generation, Shiloh is one of God’s appointed places for his appearance.

How to be spiritually prepared for God’s appearance at Shiloh 2022.

  1. Understand that Shiloh is not a church anniversary but a place of divine appointment with God.

Everyone that will experience his desired encounter must approach Shiloh 2022 with the singular purpose to meet with God Pro. 29:18. God has ordained His appearance at Shiloh to establish the dominion of the winners’ Family, both as a commission and individuals Jos. 18:1; 2Sam. 7:10.

  • Be positioned to access a new realm of revelation.

Revelation is the spiritual understanding of scriptures by the help of the Holy Spirit, resulting in the delivery of desired testimony Lk. 5:5-7, Mk. 4:11. The fear of God is required to access revelation; we must clean our heart of all defilement Psa. 25:14.

  • We must get set spiritually.

God is Spirit; everyone that will experience His appearance must get out of the natural and carnality into the spirit Jn. 4:24. Therefore, we need to be spiritually prepared to encounter God at Shiloh 2022 for the release of all our hanging inheritances Pro. 16:1.

Jesus is Lord!


Father, in the name of Jesus, I receive the help of the Holy Spirit, to be spiritually positioned for an encounter with God at Shiloh 2022, and I shall return with an.


Do a self appraisal to ensure your heart is clean of all defilement, and prepare to meet with God at Shiloh 2022.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

Whatever will rob you of encounter with God at Shiloh is cleared off now!

I decree even before Shiloh 2022 you shall experience encounters with God!


  • AJAYI Oluwaseyi 18-11-2022

    I am really blessed by this article

    • admin 21-11-2022

      Praise God. And thanks for the feedback.
      We expect to hear from you on your testimonies.

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