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Memory verse:   

“And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a

 performance of those things which were told her from the


  • Lk. 1:45.

Scriptures make us to understand that whatever God says is not what God is going to do, but has done already. In essence, what God says is what He has concluded in the spirit, which awaits manifestation in the physical Eph. 1:3. But the manifestation of those things in the physical is not automatic because it was spoken by God. It will demand the believer to accept the responsibility, and faith is the responsibility Mk. 9:23; Lk. 1:45. Faith is the expression of confidence in God and what He says, and this is validated by appropriate works Jms. 2:18. In essence, the fulfillment of every prophetic word is at the mercy of the faith of each believer.

How Faith makes Prophecy to be delivered.

  1. Faith is the test to pass for any prophetic word to come to pass Gen. 22:1-5,16-18.

Scriptures make us to understand that there are tests to pass before one qualifies for any blessing from God. Faith is that last test every believer must pass to see prophecy become fulfilled.

  • Faith is a compulsory step to take for prophecy to come to pass Heb. 11:8-10.

Every prophetic word can only become a reality in the life of anyone that will take steps required to see them become fulfilled. And faith is what makes the believer to take such steps.

  • Faith empowers the believer to despise the physical in order to take delivery of prophecy Num. 13:26-33; 14:1-10,22-24.

Often, what we see and hear in the physical will be in contrast to what God says. Many miss out on prophecy because they keep focus on the physical. Faith enables the believer to look away from the physical and focus on what God says, thereby making what God has declared to come to reality.

I strongly believe that we have come to the year of the redeemed Isa. 63:4. It shall be a year where those who are truly covenant children will be shining as light in the midst of the darkness that will cover the people. Therefore, let us accept the responsibility of building our faith through God’s word.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, by your Spirit open my eyes to the word that will empower the fulfillment of the prophecy of this year in life speedily Psa. 119:18.


Decide to focus only on what God says and not on what you see and hear in the physical.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

Every word of God concerning your life this year shall come to pass with speed!

The faith you need to see God’s word come to fulfillment is imparted on you now!

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