Memory verse:
“And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a
performance of those things which were told her from the
We have established from scriptures that our God is a God that speaks before He performs Isa. 42:8-9. One sure thing is that when our God speaks, He becomes bound to deliver what He has said Isa. 55:10-11. In essence, whatever God says has the guarantee not to fail no matter what is against it, or the contrary situation and circumstance. But it is our individual responsibility to make the prophetic word become a reality. And our responsibility is to exercise our faith in what was spoken by God Lk. 1:45. Often, it is the lack of faith by the believer in God and what He said that results in prophecy failure.
How Faith makes Prophecy to be delivered.
When Moses chose to believe God concerning the release of Israelite from Egypt, he invoked the release of the faithfulness of God for the fulfillment of His promise to Abraham Gen. 15:13-14. And we saw a 3-million member strong church born in one day Exo. 12:42; Acts 7:38.
When the 120 disciples chose to believe the words of Christ and waited in Jerusalem, there was the release of power from on high on their lives Acts 2:1-4. And we saw a 3,000-member strong church born in one day Acts 2:41.
Remember, every word from God is ordained for fulfillment no matter how impossible at appears to be Isa. 14:24,27. It is only waiting for our faith to come alive, and God’s faithfulness and power are triggered for performance.
In essence, as we exercise our faith, all prophetic words concerning us as a church and individuals for the year 2022 shall become delivered with precision. This shall be a year of fulfillment of prophecy in your life.
Jesus is Lord!
Father in the name of Jesus, by your Spirit open my eyes to the word that will empower the fulfillment of the prophecy of this year in life speedily Psa. 119:18.
Define what it will mean to be more than conqueror in your life; and set this as expectations for the year.
Priestly Blessings.
You shall see the wonders of God like never before in your life all through this year!
Every work of the devil against God’s word for your life shall fail this year!