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Memory verse:   

“And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord.”         Lk. 1:45.


Faith is the believer’s capital for acquiring every provision in God’s kingdom Mat. 9:29. Particularly, to experience the fulfillment of every word from God, faith is what the believer must have Lk. 1:45. Remember, God will always speak ahead before He does anything, this is what we refer to as prophecy Isa. 42:8-9. And everything God says is ordained for fulfillment, but only the believer whose faith is alive will experience it.

How faith powers the delivery of prophetic words.

  1. Faith is key to actualizing any divine agenda.

Every task that God gives man to do on the earth will always be more than the capacity at which man can deliver. This is because such tasks are at God’s level of capacity, and this is far above man Isa. 55:8-9. Faith at work in the believer moves God on his behalf to deliver the divine task Heb. 11:7; Jms. 2:18.

  1. Whatever God can do, faith can make happen.

What makes faith powerful is that it has the ability to draw God’s capacity into man’s situation for delivery of result Mk. 9:23. In essence, when the believer’s faith comes alive, the power of God is released and things that only God can do will become outcome in the situation Mk. 10:27.

  1. Every divine agenda will only deliver by faith.

We have said that every task by God can be accomplished only by His power Zch. 4:6. And faith will always trigger God’s power to deliver result Lk. 1:45. Therefore, every task that is ordained by God will only require the faith of the believer to become delivered in reality Mat. 9:29.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, and by the Holy Spirit help my faith thereby enabling me to take delivery of the prophecy over my life this year with speed Mk. 9:24.


What are the things God has spoken to do in your life this year, build your faith now.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

Receive a baptism of the Spirit of faith afresh now!

Your faith shall not fail but shall keep growing this year, with amazing result!


  • Isaac 11-01-2024

    Lord babtise me with the spirit of faith in Jesus name AMEN 🙏

  • DCNS Felicia David Ohinoyi 11-01-2024


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