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Memory verse:   

“Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?”

“Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.”                                Jn. 6:28-29.

One may ask, why must I deliver on the divine agenda for the year? It is because it what will entitle us for the glory ordained for the year Ecc. 3:1,11. In essence, delivery on divine agenda is not optional for the believer that desire a great and glorious experience. Now, God’s agenda for us for this year has been clearly made known to us. They are; to double the current church size, home cell attendance and number before the first half of the year is over.

How do we accomplish a divine task?

  1. Understand that whatever is not of faith is sin.

The scriptures make it clear that sin will always result in death; in essence, nothing will work despite all effort made Rms. 6:23. And whatever is not of faith is sin; it means without faith every effort will be futile Rms. 14:23.

  1. Faith is a must have for divine purpose to be actualized.

From number 1 above, ordinary things requires faith to deliver. Much more we need faith in our quest to deliver on divine task. Therefore, it will take faith to see divine purpose become accomplished Lk. 1:34-35,45; Isa. 14:24.

  1. Faith will make the believer to keep taking steps until the divine task is accomplished.

There is no task that can be done without man taking practical steps. It is faith that enables the believer to make moves and take steps to actualize any divine task Heb. 11:7; Gen. 6:14.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus and by the Holy Spirit, help my faith to become strong enough for the accomplishment of your agenda for this year Mk. 9:24.


Identify the steps you are taking to validate your faith for accomplishing the year?

Priestly Blessings.                                    

By faith you shall keep taking steps for the fulfillment of the task for the year!

This shall be your most profitable year thus far in your walk with God!

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