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Memory verse:   

“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for

 doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in


“That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all

 good works.”

  • 2Tim. 3:16-17.

Every child of God is ordained a mountain-top personality Matt. 5:13-14; Deut. 28:13. God designed the believer that he will keep rising and make progress continuously until he emerges at the top in life Pro. 4:18. This order of continuous and unstoppable rise and progress is what is referred to as profitable life. But scriptures make us to understand that toe very provision of God, there is God’s ordained pathway to experience it Jer. 6:16. God’s way for the believer to keep making progress in life is by obedience to His commandments Deut. 28:1; Isa. 60:1-2,8. God’s word and instruction contain the blessing of the believer; our obedience is what unlocks the blessing for our benefit 2Tim. 3:16-17; Jms. 1:22-25. With the blessing unlocked, the rise of the believer becomes unstoppable Gen. 1:28.

In our teachings this week, we have been looking into scriptures and majored on the study of key commandments that will position the believer for a flight in life when so embraced. I trust God the grace for ardent obedience from today shall come on you rlfie as we go through today’s teaching. Be blessed.

Fundamental Commandments of Scriptures for the Believer’s Profiting.

  1. The altar of sacrifice commandment.

Rearing an altar of sacrifice is a commandment of scriptures to every believer Psa. 50:5; 126:5-6. A sacrifice is giving that is done but goes with great cost on the believer often because it is something that holds great value. For instance, God demanded of Abraham to give him Isaac whom he loves; it was a sacrifice because Abraham has his heart wrapped around Isaac Gen. 22:2. The altar of sacrifice will avert curses Gen. 8:20-22; 2Sam. 24:16-25. The altar of sacrifice provides the platform of encounters with sworn blessings Gen. 22:16-18; 1Kgs. 3:3-13. Also, the altar of sacrifice opens launches the believer into the realms of supernatural supplies 1Kgs. 17:8-15; Php. 4:15-19.

In conclusion to our teachings this week, we must remember that obedience is a choice individual ha to make. It is a wise choice with the guarantee of turning a believer to the envy of his world. Be blessed.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, I receive fresh grace for obedience to the commandment of scriptures as a lifestyle from today Acts 26:22.


Make the decision to give yourself to every instruction of God to you from now; either from your study of the word, the voice of the Holy Spirit, or through your pastor.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

Receive the baptism of the Spirit of obedience on your life afresh now!

I declare your life will command strange order of result that will turn you to the amazement of your world from now!

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