Categories: Dew of Hermon

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Categories: Dew of Hermon

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Memory verse:   

“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for

 doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in


“That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all

 good works.”

  • 2Tim. 3:16-17.

Every statement of scriptures is an instruction and a commandment of God to man, not a suggestion or an advice. In Joshua 1:8, it was referred to as the ‘book of the LAW’ attesting to this truth. A commandment or an instruction is meant to be obeyed, followed and complied with to the letter; and not to be debated, argued or rationalized Jn. 2:5. The worth and blessing of a commandment can only be experienced when it is obeyed Deut. 28:1. A commandment become easy to obey when it is personalized. Therefore, every commandment of scriptures is to be applied as individuals Jos. 1:8; Matt. 7:24-27.

We have studying certain fundamental commandment of scriptures, which are like the foundation every believer must have for a life of profiting Psa. 11:3. I believe God that as you apply yourself to the light that God is shedding on our lives through the teachings of this week, you days of struggle in life is over forever.

Fundamental Commandments of Scriptures for the Believer’s Profiting.

  1. The tithing commandment.

Tithing is a commandment of scriptures to every believer; not an admonition Mal. 3:10-11. Jesus the author and finisher of our faith said categorically that He came to see to the fulfillment of the laws, thereby validating the commandment of tithing Lev. 27:30; Matt. 5:17; 23:23. And the author of the book of Hebrews made us to understand that today; Jesus receives our tithe in heaven as our Melchizedek Heb. 7:1-8; Gen. 14:14-20. Tithing is the spiritual force that opens the heavens over the believer, for the outpouring of blessing Mal. 3:10. Blessing is not primarily material, rather blessing produces the material results. Blessing is the ability to make things happen, the power to produce result against all odds. In essence, tithe will release on the believer supernatural ability to make desired result happen on the earth. When the believer complies with the commandment of tithing, he is lifted above the prevailing forces on the earth Mal. 3:16-18; 4:1-2.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, I receive fresh grace for obedience to the commandment of scriptures as a lifestyle from today Acts 26:22.


Appraise your obedience to the commandment of tithing; do you pay the tithe of all, and is it with excitement?

Priestly Blessings.                                    

Grace to obey the covenant of tithing with delight is released on your life now!

I see you rise a kingdom financial giant before this month is over!


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