Categories: Dew of Hermon

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Categories: Dew of Hermon

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Memory verse:   

“And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.”

  • Dan. 12:3.

Every man carries a seed of God in him, because he is made in God’s image Gen. 1:26-27. This is one reason why God does not want any man to perish, rather He wants all men to be saved 2Pet. 3:9; 1Tim. 2:4. The task of getting men saved in the heartbeat of God with amazing rewards for every believer that is committed to it Jn. 4:36-37. The scriptures promise has the promise of an open cheque for a soul winner. Ironically, this highly rewarding exercise is one that is highly discouraging to many in the church. This reason is that many lack the understanding of how to make it fruitful Eccl. 10:15. We have established that the wisdom of God is what empowers for fruitfulness in soul wining Pro. 11:30; Dan. 12:3.

The Power of wisdom in Effective soul winning.

  1. No city is difficult to take for Christ with the wisdom of God at work.

Remember, divine wisdom can be simply defined as knowing the right thing to do from God’s word and doing it Mat. 7:24-27. There is always the way to follow to gain access to a city, when one locate and walk in it, the city will open up Eccl. 9:14-16. In essence, there is no city that cannot be taken over for Jesus, simply by laying hold on the wisdom of God Deu. 32:36.

  • One way to gain access to God’s wisdom is through the light of scriptures.

God’s word is the bank of God’s wisdom Pro. 2:5-6; 2Tim. 3:15. The scriptures has the ways of God to whatever one desire in life Psa. 119:105. From scriptures, one can therefore locate what to do by the help of the Holy Spirit to take over one’s territory for Christ.  

Soul winning can become a highly interesting and fruitful exercise, and I believe this is what God intend it to be. If every believer will search after God’s wisdom and apply himself to it, this is what soul winning will be turned into for the believer. I see the wisdom of God released on you afresh for effective soul winning in the remaining days of this operation.                                                                          

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus; baptize me with the wisdom that will turn me into an effective soul winner, thereby drafting multitudes into the kingdom and the church from today Jms. 1:5.


Spend time with God asking for the wisdom to deliver your 12-established souls in the remaining weeks of the on-going operation.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

This prophetic season shall speak loudly in your life!

Every blessing of this season shall be fully delivered in your life!


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