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Memory verse:   

“And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.”

  • Dan. 12:3.

Why harvest of souls? This is because God wants all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth 1Tim. 2:4. In essence, our on-going drive for souls and ingathering into church is not premised on the ambition for a ‘big’ church, but of passion to see men rescued from destruction in life Jude 1:21-23. But wisdom is what empowers a man’s effort for fruitfulness, it delivers from wasted effort Pro. 4:7-9. In essence, we need wisdom to be fruitful in our soul winning engagement Pro. 11:30; Dan. 12:3. What is wisdom? Wisdom is knowing the right thing to do from scriptures per time, and doing same Mat. 7:24-27. Soul winning has become frustrating to many in the church because of lack of wisdom at work.

The Power of wisdom in Effective soul winning.

  1. Wisdom will deliver a city for Christ.

Wisdom is a strong spiritual force with the capacity to take a city over for Christ Pro. 21:22; Eccl. 9:14-16. There is what the Holy Spirit will inspire the believer to do, and his territory will be taken for Christ in a sweep. Therefore, to be a fruitful believer particularly in this prophetic season, we need to access the wisdom of God and operate by it.

  • One way to gain access to God’s wisdom is through prayer and fasting.

When the believer engages in prayer and fasting, he is connecting with the wisdom of God Isa. 58:6,8; Jms. 1:5. God’s wisdom helps the believer to locate the better to approach his task in order to be more productive, effective and efficient.

We are in a defining moment of our life; it is harvest time and great season of reward. All that we need to maximize the moment is lay hold the wisdom of God for harvest of souls into the kingdom and ingathering into the church. God has said for everyone that delivers 12-established souls, he will experience minimum 4-level dimension of change.                                                                         

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus; baptize me with the wisdom that will turn me into an effective soul winner, thereby drafting multitudes into the kingdom and the church from today Jms. 1:5.


Review your approach in souls winning, and identify ways to improve on your result.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

Receive now the baptism of the wisdom of God on your life like never before!

You shall command strange order of result in your soul wining adventure from today!

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