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Memory verse:   

“And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.”

  • Dan. 12:3.

Wisdom is knowing the right way to get at a desired end and following it. It is what men lack, the reason why they struggle and fail Ecc. 10:10. The abundant life the kingdom offers the believer is one thing that many believer seem not to experience because of lack of the understanding of how to enjoy it Ecc. 10:15. The demand is commitment to serve God, which means the reconciliation of the unsaved back to God and their establishment in God Exo. 23:25; 2Cor. 5:17-20. But the believer needs to know the right way to get this task done, hence the need for the wisdom of God

Understand God’s wisdom for harvest of soul and access to it.

  1. God’s wisdom shows the way to deliver result.

The task of winning the lost to Christ will become interesting if first we know the right way to get it done. Only God has the guarantee of the right way Isa. 48:17. If wisdom is defined as knowing the right way; God’s wisdom is what shows the guaranteed way to see souls saved. With the wisdom of God at work in a believer, any city no matter how hard will be won for Christ Ecc. 9:14-16; Pro. 21:22.

  1. We can access the wisdom of God through prayers and fasting.

The altar of prayer and fasting is the altar of direction, where God shows the believer the right way to go Isa. 58:6,8; Ezr. 8:21-23. In prayer we demand from God to show us the way, and He is committed to show us when we ask Mat. 7:7-8. Remember, whatever prayer will do, fasting will facilitate Mat. 17:21.

Jesus is Lord!


Father, in the name of Jesus, release your wisdom on me and show me the way to deliver my minimum two established souls for this prophetic season Jms. 1:5.


Target a location you want to take for Christ in the remaining few days of this operation.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

This prophetic season shall be your most spiritually fruitful season thus far!

Your greatest level of rewards in life begins from this season!


  • Adedina adeolu Olajide 01-11-2023

    Insightful and well elaborated

    • admin 01-11-2023

      Thanks for the feedback Dcn Adeolu.
      Be blessed.

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