Memory verse:
“And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament;
and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.”
From scriptures, we are made to understand that wisdom is the principal thing that the believer needs to make the most of life on the earth Pro. 4:7-9. One vital blessing of wisdom that I believe the church has given attention to is that it empowers the believer to turn many to righteousness Dan. 12:3. Wisdom is a vital weapon for effectiveness in soul winning. Remember, soul winning is the core responsibility of God to all believer 2Cor. 5:17-20. The failure at it is the reason why many are having a frustrating Christian life Psa. 11:3. With the wisdom of God at work in a believer, soul winning becomes fruitful, effortless and exciting, thereby turning the Christian experience of the believer to the envy of all Isa. 52:7.
We shall explore in our teachings this week the access to the wisdom from above for effective and fruitful soul winning. I pray this shall turn each one to an accredited kingdom harvester that will result in the rise of kingdom giants.
How to Access the Wisdom for Effective Soul Winning.
One way to access wisdom is by taking time to do an appraisal Pro. 16:9. Until one is willing to review his approach, he cannot improve on his result. Someone said, one cannot be doing things the same way and expect a change of result. One reason why traditional evangelism in the church has become unproductive and unattractive is because the church has been doing it the same way all through the years. It is time to sit down, appraise our approach, devise new ways of going about it, and we will see ourselves commanding new level of result that will turn evangelism to an exciting exercise,.
Scriptures make us to understand that one way to wisdom is ask God in prayers Jms. 1:5-7. In essence, we can go to God on the prayer altar and ask Him to show us how best to engage to get souls saved. The scriptures give us the guarantee that God will lavish on anyone that ask ideas that will make for great result. This was vividly exemplified in the life of Solomon the king.
Soul winning can become a great spiritual exercise that believers will take delight in, if we will begin to put the wisdom from above to work in our engagement. Therefore, let us put divine wisdom to work in the on-going ‘Operation who is on the Lord’s Side’, and I see us taking over our communities for Christ as multitude flow into church services to meet with Christ and be established in the faith. I see this season becoming your best thus far in your walk with God.
Jesus is Lord!
Father in the name of Jesus, baptize me with the Spirit of wisdom thereby empower me to be supernaturally fruitful in my soul winning engagement from today Matt. 13:54.
Identify your present approach and strategies for soul wining, and calculate your result level
Priestly Blessings.
I decree the release of the Spirit of wisdom on your life in a new way now!
By the wisdom of God, soul wining shall become a fruitful exercise with amazing result in your life from today!
Wilson Ichado 22-03-2021
Christine S. Theophilus 22-03-2021
Amen and Amen! I receive wisdom and boldness in Jesus name.
Alikali Noah 22-03-2021
Thanks daddy
More grace sir.
admin 23-03-2021
Apostle Noah, you are blessed! God shall settle you this year!!