Memory verse:
“Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.” Amos 3:7.
We understand from scriptures that life is a race that every man is running Heb. 12:1-2. The good news for the believer is that God makes known the end of the race before the start Amos 3:7. But God leaves the believer with the responsibility to make the end become the reality. God has made known the race for this year to us, it is, fortune 2024. The demand to make the prophetically declared end become a reality is to engage the power of thanksgiving and praise Jn. 5:25; 11:39-44.
Understand the power of thanksgiving in prophecy fulfillment.
Paul was arrested and was on his way to Rome to be tried, their sail came up against a terrible storm Acts 27:1-8. Paul received a word from God of the assurance of safety; he believed the prophetic word, which resulted in their deliverance from the storm Acts 27:23-25.
Despite that God was the one that gave Paul the word, he had to engage the power of rejoicing to take practical delivery of what God has spoken Acts 27:22,44.
When God speaks of His intention about us, the forces of heaven to make what God says become a reality are released. But thanksgiving is the force that will engage those forces to work for result 1Ths. 5:18; Heb. 10:36.
Jesus is Lord!
Father in the name of Jesus, as I give thanks for fortune 2024 your word for me for the year shall come to pass with speed Rms. 4:20-21.
What are your expectations for the year, begin to thank God for them now.
Priestly Blessings.
This shall be a year all your expectations shall be delivered practically!
God’s word concerning you shall not be denied or delayed this year!
Mrs Felicia David Ohinoyi 05-01-2024
Thank you Jesus. I received the grace iJmn, amen. More grace Dad
Felicia David Ohinoyi 05-01-2024
Thank you Jesus
admin 07-01-2024
I expect your testimonies.