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Memory verse:   

“Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.”             Amos 3:7.


We are already on the prophetic race of 2024, which the Spirit of God has declared as fortune 2024 Amos. 3:7. We have established that the scriptural way to run this race and obtain the promise is to engage with thanksgiving and praise 1Ths. 5:18; Heb. 10:36. There are records of individuals and situations in scriptures that exemplify the power of thanksgiving in making prophecy to be fulfilled. And we are enjoined to follow examples in the quest for our desire Heb. 6:12.

Understand the power of thanksgiving in prophecy fulfillment.

  1. The example of Hezekiah.

Hezekiah was sick unto death, and the prophet told him at first he was going to die Isa. 38:1. Hezekiah turned to the wall, cried to God, and God gave him a prophetic word of increased number of years Isa. 38:5. Hezekiah switched over to praise to make the prophecy become a reality Isa. 38:19-20.

  1. Understand that there is nothing too hard for our God to do.

Whatever God says is what His level of ability and capacity can handle Jer. 32:17,27. This is why prophecy may appear impossible with men, but not with God Mk. 10:27. Those who will see it come to pass must believe, and the guaranteed way to express it is in thanksgiving and praise Rms. 4:20-21.

  1. Thanksgiving engenders fulfillment of prophecy.

Prophecy is the declaration of the intention of God for His people or an individual Isa. 42:8-9. The scriptures teach us that the way to make such declaration to come to pass is to engage in thanksgiving Jn. 8:36; Acts 16:25-26.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, as I give thanks for fortune 2024 your word for me for the year shall come to pass with speed Rms. 4:20-21.


What are the things you desired over the years yet to be delivered focus your praise on it now.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

Everything you have pursued in past years yet to get into your hand is released now!

This shall be your year of coming out of obscurity to limelight finally!


  • Dcns Felicia David Ohinoyi 04-01-2024

    Amen thank you daddy more Anointing sir in Jesus Mighty name

    • admin 05-01-2024

      Amen Dcns Felicia!
      You shall return with testimonies!

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