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Memory verse:   

“Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.”             Amos 3:7.


The race of 2024 has begun, and God has spoken that it is fortune 2024 for believers particularly the winners’ family Isa. 46:9-10; Amos. 3:7. We must understand that everyone runs the race personally Heb. 12:2. And there are demands to observe for one to come out as the winner and obtain the reward in the race 1Cor. 9:24-27. Christ our perfect example shows us that we give thanks to see prophetic race deliver what was promised Jn. 5:25; 11:39-44.

Understand the power of thanksgiving in prophecy fulfillment.

  1. The example of Abraham.

God met with Abraham, and started him on the race for his life Gen. 12:1. God told him from the start that the end is greatness and a blessed life Gen. 12:2-3. This was far-fetched from human perspective. But Abraham committed himself to give glory to God, and what God said came to pass Rms. 4:20-21.

  1. What God did for Abraham is what He will do for the believer.

Abraham was the example of what God will do for His children Gal. 3:28-29. In essence, as God fulfilled His promise to Abraham, so He will do to the believer. But we are only entitled to Abraham’s order of experience as we follow his steps Isa. 51:1-3; Jn. 8:29.

  1. Thanksgiving secures fulfillment of prophecy.

Whatever the mouth of God speaks, it is His hand that can deliver it 1Kgs. 8:15. With thanksgiving and praise, we secure God’s hand for the fulfillment of what He has promised Psa. 22:3.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, as I give thanks for fortune 2024 your word for me for the year shall come to pass with speed Rms. 4:20-21.


Itemize the things you desire in the fortune 2024 package, and thank God for them.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

This year shall be an amazing year of strange dimension of favor for you!

The oil of gladness for the life of thanksgiving is released on you now!

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