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Memory verse:   

“For the LORD thy God bringeth thee into a good land, a land of brooks

of water, of fountains and depths that spring out of valleys and hills;”

“A land of wheat, and barley, and vines, and fig trees, and pomegranates;

 a land of oil olive, and honey;”

“A land wherein thou shalt eat bread without scarceness, thou shalt not

 lack any thing in it; a land whose stones are iron, and out of whose hills

 thou mayest dig brass.”

“When thou hast eaten and art full, then thou shalt bless the LORD thy

 God for the good land which he hath given thee.”

  • Deut. 8:7-10.

The Promised Land is real, God has it prepared for every one of His child 2Sam. 7:10; Deut. 8:7. Every believer must strive to gain access to his promised land, but this can only be by accepting the responsibility Deut. 8:6. Everything in God’s kingdom works by faith Matt. 9:29. In essence, every one that will access his promised land must accept the walk of faith 2Cor. 5:7. But faith in simple definition is expectation propelled by the word Heb. 11:1. Therefore, access to the Promised Land is by word-based expectation Pro. 23:18.

What is in expectation that makes it to guarantee access to the Promised Land? God could not bring the Israelite into the promised land after taking them through the wilderness for 40 years until He stirred their expectation, and only the number that had their expectation triggered stepped in eventually Num. 14:6-10,28-30. Again today, we shall go further in our study on the power of expectation.

Understanding How Expectation Works to Deliver Result Without Delay.

  1. Expectation is what qualifies us to receive what we ask in prayer.

As powerful as prayer is, our expectation is what makes us to receive what we ask Matt. 21:22. In essence, prayer is only as potent as expectation of the believer. A classic example is Jehoshaphat and the whole of Judah; they prayed and had expectation of supernatural victory in the battle. They expressed strong expectation by their praise which they engaged in through divine leading, and they received the victory they prayed for in a grand style 2Chr. 20:3-6,17-24.

In essence, when expectation is genuine one way it will be expressed is in words Matt. 12:34-36; Mk. 11:23. Therefore, we must keep speaking the reality of our expectation of stepping into the Promised Land prepared for us as individuals, which will make the 40th Anniversary prophetic feast to answer to its name. I see you coming forth with your testimonies this time.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus and by the Holy Spirit, open my eyes in scriptures and cause me to see the reality of my promised land Psa. 119:18.


Begin to declare your expectation from the upcoming 40th anniversary prophetic feast.

Priestly Blessings.

Every of your expectation for the 40th anniversary shall not be cut short!

Receive the help of the Holy Spirit not to faint or be weary until you gain entry into your promised land!


  • Wilson Ichado 29-04-2021


  • Christine S. Theophilus 29-04-2021

    Amen and Amen!

  • Jideofor Agunabor 29-04-2021

    Amen Sir

  • John olorunfemi 02-05-2021

    Impactful teachings!
    Thank you for been a blessing to the body of Christ Sir.

    • admin 10-05-2021

      It’s a privilege, we all the glory to God.

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