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Memory verse:     

“For the LORD thy God bringeth thee into a good land, a land of brooks

of water, of fountains and depths that spring out of valleys and hills;”

“A land of wheat, and barley, and vines, and fig trees, and pomegranates;

 a land of oil olive, and honey;”

“A land wherein thou shalt eat bread without scarceness, thou shalt not

 lack any thing in it; a land whose stones are iron, and out of whose hills

 thou mayest dig brass.”

“When thou hast eaten and art full, then thou shalt bless the LORD thy

 God for the good land which he hath given thee.”

  • – Deut. 8:7-10.

By redemption, God has a promised land for every believer Gen. 12:1-2; Gal. 3:29. The believer need to understand that salvation is not just to enable a man make eternity with Christ; this is the ultimate, which must not be missed for anything. But first, God’s intention is to make the believer to have the experience of heaven on earth, before eternity with Christ. This is what the promised land offers the believer; the Garden of Eden order of experience Deut. 8:7-10. Access is a personal responsibility, and faith is the scriptural guarantee to gain this access Heb. 11:1-2,8-10.

What is faith? By simply definition, it is Word-based expectation Heb. 11:1; Rms. 4:17-21. In essence, bible faith makes a believer to have expectation, but this is expectation that is created by what God has said. But we need to know how expectation is translated into reality, because undelivered or unduly delayed expectation makes for frustration Pro. 13:12. This is the focus of our teachings this week. I pray that the light of God shall shine into your heart.

Understanding How Expectation Works to Deliver Result Without Delay.

  1. Expectation gives value to our intercession and supplication.

It is expectation that paints a picture of the future, which empowers our supplication and intercession to deliver result. When a believer has no expectation, prayer has lost its potency to make things happen. This is where a lot of believers are stranded in their walk with God. Jesus Himself said in response to the cry of the two blind men for mercy, “according to your faith (expectation that is based on God’s word), be it onto you” Matt. 9:27-29. In essence, no matter how intense their cry is, their expectation is what will determine their outcome.

If I may ask to conclude today’s teaching, what is the scriptural-based picture that you have of your promised land? This is what will determine your access to it, and how soon you will gain that access. Therefore, get into scriptures and believe the Holy Spirit to fire up a clear picture in you. Be blessed.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus and by the Holy Spirit, open my eyes in scriptures and cause me to see the reality of my promised land Psa. 119:18.


Sit with the scriptures; go after a clear picture of what your promised land look like.

Priestly Blessings.

I decree your eyes of understand be enlightened on your promised land today! There shall be diverse divine appearances in your life that shall culminate in your supernatural turnaround this week!


  • Sunny Otaba 26-04-2021

    Thank you Sir for opening our eyes to expect our possessing our promised land. God continue to uphold you for continuous unveiling of his word.

  • Sunday Obla 27-04-2021

    Amen and Amen.
    God bless you Daddy for this eye opening teaching, may the Lord continue to strengthen and engrace you more and more in Jesus Mighty Name.

  • Sunday Obla 27-04-2021

    Amen and Amen.
    God bless you Daddy for this eye opening teaching, may the Lord continue to strengthen and engrace you more and more in Jesus Mighty Name.
    Thanks and more wisdom upon you.

    • admin 27-04-2021


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