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Memory verse:   

“And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead,

 when he was about an hundred ears old, neither yet the deadness of

 Sara’s womb:” 

“He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was

 strong in faith, giving glory to God;”

“And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able

 also to perform.”

  • Rom 4:19-21.

We serve the God that is committed to perform whatever He has said; He is a covenant keeping God that will never allow His word to fail Psa. 89:34; 14:24,27. Man can promise and fail to deliver on his word, but not with God Isa. 55:10-11. But we understand from scriptures that whatever God has said will not happen by just waiting and watching for its fulfillment. Also, it cannot be fulfilled in the energy, skill, connection and strength of man Neh. 2:8; Zch. 4:6. So what is it? It will require the hand of God at work to experience fulfillment of prophecy 1Kgs. 8:15; 1Ths. 5:24.

Scriptures make us to understand that one guarantee way to secure God’s hand to work is by thanksgiving and praise Exo. 15:11; Psa. 100:4-5. In essence, thanksgiving and praise are essentially weapons in the Christian faith; but many have reduced it to mere item in our worship services. Examples are best of teachers; one can learn from others who have either produced one’s desired result on how to make it happen or those who failed on how not to do things. We shall examine from scripture an example of a character that got prophetic word fulfilled by engaging the force of thanksgiving and praise. Be blessed as you come along with me.

Scriptural Example of fulfillment of prophecy through thanksgiving.

  1. The example of Hannah.

Hannah was the first wife of a Jewish man called Elkanah in the days of Eli the prophet 1Sam. 1:1-2. She was barren, and this became the channel through which people taunt 1Sam. 1:6. This made her to grieve and sorrowful 1Sam. 1:8. Out of desperation, Hannah went sought God at Shiloh and got a prophetic word from Eli of becoming fruitful 1Sam. 1:15-17. After the prophetic word came forth, Hannah engaged in joy and rejoicing as she continued to celebrate God, and these made for the speedy fulfillment of the prophecy 1Sam. 1:18-19. One thing that is sure is, whatever God did for one, He will do for any other person who will engage that same principle Acts 10:34-35. In essence, thanksgiving and praise are cheap but guaranteed ways of getting God to make His word good in our lives.

Therefore, as long as we retain our joy and celebration of God, we are bound to take full delivery of the prophetic word of turnaround for this year. Also, we bound to see the church continue to grow and multiply Joel 1:11-12.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, I receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit afresh for the life of thanksgiving and praise from today Isa. 61:1,3.


Take your time to write out the testimonies of Jesus in your life since this year began, and celebrate God for every one of them all through today

Priestly Blessings.                                    

The oil of God that makes for the life of thanksgiving and praise is poured on you now!

I declare every prophetic word that is pending comes to fulfillment in your life now!


  • Christine S. Theophilus 09-11-2021

    Amen and Amen!
    I receive grace to praise God to my breakthrough.

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