Categories: Dew of Hermon

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Categories: Dew of Hermon

by admin


Memory verse:   

“Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but

 the labourers are few;”

“Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.”

  • Mat. 9:37-38.

The growth of the church is not just by the large number of people in the church, much more it is by the salvation of sinners, and their establishment in the faith and the church Acts 2:37-41. The rate at which we have conversion of men from the life of sin to righteousness through repentance and salvation in Christ is what defines the rate at which the church of Christ grows Col. 1:13-14; Acts 2:47. But the scriptures make it clear to us that the Holy Spirit is the Lord of the harvest Matt. 9:37-38. Everywhere in scriptures that the Holy Spirit was invoked to work, it was always with massive influx of souls into the kingdom and the church Acts 2:1-6,37-41; 4:31-33; 5:12-14.

In essence, for the church to experience growth, we simply need to know how to get the Holy Spirit to work. This subject has been the focus of our teachings this week, and I believe your eyes of understanding shall be enlightened again in today’s teaching.

How the Holy Spirit Operates as the Lord of the harvest for Church Growth.

  1. The Holy Spirit empowers the prayer life of the saints, leading to supernatural growth of the church Rms. 8:26-27; Isa. 66:7-8.

The scriptures make us to know that prayer is core to experience supernatural church growth. Hence, one major thing the Holy Spirit does is to fire up the prayer life of believers. By this, He empowers the church to engage more on the prayer altar, and the result is the supernatural growth of the church.

  • The Holy Spirit empowers the saints to be effective witness of Christ, thereby drawing multitudes into the kingdom Acts 1:8; 2:1-41.

From scriptures, we have come to understand that until the people hear the gospel they don’t have the privilege to become saved and added to the church Rms. 10:14. Hence, one other thing the Holy Spirit does is to empower believers to become committed to reaching out to the unsaved with the gospel. Also, the Holy Spirit imparts the discretion making the believer to be an effective soul winner.

The believer has the responsibility to stir the Holy Spirit to work in order for the church to experience supernatural church growth. The decision to reaching out to the unsaved in one way to stir the Holy Spirit to work Matt. 28:19-20.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, we demand for the outpouring and move of the Holy Spirit in a new way in this land begin with this church, resulting in the drafting of every unsaved across the land in to this church come next Sunday Acts 2:6.


Today, pray for hand of God on your making you effective in winning soul, with the result of multitude following you to church this Sunday.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

To everyone laboring towards the supernatural growth of this church, on their knees and in reaching out to the lost, your supernatural change of status shall be testified to by all before this season is over!


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