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Memory verse:   

“Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but

 the labourers are few;”

“Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.”

  • Mat. 9:37-38.

Many times in His earthly ministry, Jesus taught the people through parables. They were stories of things they could relate with in the physical to bring them to understand the things of the kingdom Matt. 13:3-9,24-30,31-33. Just like in the government of any nation, we have the three arms; Executive, Legislature, Judiciary, with each having her specific role. The same is what obtains in the Godhead; the Father makes the rule and the laws, Jesus the Son is the interpreter or advocate of the laws, while the Holy Spirit is the executor of all of the Father’s will.

We understand from scriptures that the main interest of God on the earth is His kingdom, the expansion and prosperity of His kingdom Matt. 6:33. In essence, God’s will is to see His kingdom take over on the entire earth Hab. 2:14. The Holy Spirit, the executor of all of the Father’s will is therefore the Lord of the harvest as clearly stated by the scriptures Lk. 10:1-2. And we have been exploring how the Holy Spirit works as the Lord of the harvest and how to invoke Him as such.

How the Holy Spirit Operates as the Lord of the harvest for Church Growth.

  1. The Holy Spirit convicts of sin and of righteousness leading to salvation of souls Jn. 16:8-11; Acts 2:37-41.

Until the sinner is convicted of sin, he does not see the reason to be renounce sin and accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. Until the sinner is convicted, he is proud of sin and delight in it. And conviction is not be the eloquence of the believer, or rhetoric of scriptures, it is the sole responsibility of the Holy Spirit. It is why the believer must know how to invoke the Holy Spirit to work for the believer to be fruitful.

  • The Holy Spirit judges all devils that are out against the growth of the church Jn. 16:11; Acts 8:9-24; 13:7-11.

The growth of the church is against the gates of hell, which will not stop at anything to stop the church. But the Holy Spirit is there to judge all oppositions, to make the salvation of the unsaved unstoppable resulting in supernatural growth of the church.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, we demand for the outpouring and move of the Holy Spirit in a new way in this land begin with this church, resulting in the drafting of every unsaved across the land in to this church come next Sunday Acts 2:6.


Pray against all the forces resisting the salvation of the unsaved around your neighborhood, especially every of your targets.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

I decree the hand of God on your life for a fire prayer life from today!

This week shall answer as your appointed week of the harvest!

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