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Memory verse:   

“Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made

 ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?”

“Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so


“Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods.”

  • Matt. 24:45-47.

The reason why many fail to accomplish desired result in life is because they fail to persist in their pursuit and engagement to the point of breakthrough Gal. 6:9. Many at the brink of success and accomplishment, with probably just one more step or effort to put in, get tired and give up. Just any one can succeed, if he will be persistent enough in his pursuit and engagement to the point of result. Scriptures make us to understand that the help of God is the secret to continuity in one’s pursuit Acts 26:22. The help of God is what we call grace Heb. 4:16. This is what we need as believers in order to make the most of our privileges, labor and engagement in the kingdom 1Cor. 15:10.

Scriptures instruct us to follow the example of men who have obtained what we desire Heb. 6:12. This week we have been studying men in scriptures that labored in the kingdom, and enjoyed the grace to continue to the end. They all had a humble beginning, but ended up as kingdom giants. Also, we looked at those who had a great start but dropped off along the way and lost their place in destiny. I see the grace on those who finished the race answer on your life as we go through today’s study.

Scriptural Examples of Men with Grace for Continuity.

  1. Elijah.

Elijah was a prophet of renown in the Old Testament, with no specific story any background of worth 1Kgs. 17:1. In the midst of perversion and threat to his life, he stood for God to bring national revival 1Kgs. 18:21-39; 19:10-14. He maintained his walk and passion for God to the end, and we saw him depart the earth without experiencing the natural death, with a succession 2Kgs. 2:9-15.

  • John the Apostle.

John the Apostle was also from a humble beginning, as fisher man who was struggling in business along with his business associates Lk. 5:8-10. After he was called by Jesus, he followed passionately even in the midst of great persecution to the end. He became the one Jesus could trust with deep things about the end time Rev. 1:9-11.

  • Uzziah.

Uzziah was one of the kings of Judah, who started well with God, and did great things 2Chr. 26:1-5. He kept his walk with ad pursuit after God for 52 years, after which he fell off and ended up a leper 2Chr. 26:16-21.

Everyone has the destiny of greatness and glory in Christ, but we have the demand of continuity in our commitment to God for this to become a reality Gal. 6:9. Therefore, we need the grace for continuity to make it in our stewardship in God’s kingdom Heb. 4:16.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, I place a demand on the grace for that will empower me to remain fervent in my walk with you and kingdom stewardship till my time on earth is over Acts 26:22.


Appraise yourself to see where you have slacked in your walk with God, passion for God, and engagement towards the advancement of God’s kingdom.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

Receive fresh release of grace to remain strong in your walk with God and pursuit of kingdom advancement now!

You shall make it to the end in this kingdom race, you shall not fall away!

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