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Memory verse:   

“When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace:” 

“But when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him all his armour wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils.”

  • Lk. 11:21-22.

The growth of the church is the will of God, and God personally committed Himself to the supernatural growth of His church Mat. 16:18. But for the church to experience growth, it requires the joint effort of God and the believer 1Cor. 6:-8; Heb. 3:4. This is because church growth essentially is about getting souls saved and established in God as they abide in the church. This demands the enemy of man resisting his response to the gospel be subdued 2Cor. 4:4. This will require the power of God, but can only be channeled through man to get the enemy silenced and deliver the growth Ezk. 22:30. The believer therefore needs a good understanding on how to be effective at this.

Effective approach to the warfare dimension for church growth.

  1. Understand church growth is warfare and it is a battle against the gates of hell.

The gates of hell are all out to resist the salvation of the unsaved and will stop at nothing to see this done. The believer is the one that has the legal right to confront and subdue the opposition of hell on the earth Lk. 10:19. When the believer is strengthened by God, he becomes stronger to subdue hell Lk. 11:21-22.

  • It takes the vengeance of God to silence the enemy.

Often, until vengeance is unleashed the enemy does not give up in his mission Ecc. 8:11. For instance, until God unleashed vengeance upon Egypt, Pharaoh never gave up on the children of Israel Exo. 11:1-7; 12:12,42. The believer has to invoke the vengeance by pronouncing it, for God to execute it.

  • The believer must put up a fight of faith.

Faith is the believer’s weapon to quench every onslaught of the enemy Eph. 6:16. Faith is for a fight, the faith that will win is the faith that is fighting 1Tim. 6:12. In essence, the fight of faith is vital to see God’s purpose of explosive growth ordained for the end-time church come to pass Mal. 4:1-2.

Jesus is Lord!


Father, in the name of Jesus, I receive fresh empowerment of the Holy Spirit for victory in the warfare against the gates of hell, resulting in massive salvation of souls this 4th week of harvest Acts. 1:8.


Speak against the powers of darkness holding the unsaved to their sin in your neighborhood.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

I decree a fresh empowerment of the Holy Spirit on your life now!

This week shall be a supernaturally fruitful week for you!

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