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Memory verse:   

“And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full.”

“This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you,

that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.”

  • 1Jn. 1:4-5.

We have said that our God is the God of speed, who operates with supernatural speed at all times Rev. 22:12. This is based on the truth of scriptures that God is light, without any form of darkness 1Jn. 1:5. Light is known for speed, the reference for speed in life. God being light infers that He is not slow in His operations, rather He is speedy. A close look at the activities of God from the beginning all through scriptures show speed in all His ways. This understanding about God is basic for the believer to have a glorious experience in life. This is because when we see God has slow, it will make our desires to suffer delay in fulfillment, which often result in denial Pro. 13:12. And this is at root of many believers frustrating experience in their Christian walk.

In today’s concluding teaching on this subject, we shall study another scriptural incidence. We shall see how God revealing Himself by the way He operated as the God of speed. Remember, scriptures make us to understand that biblical records are for our learning, and for us to have better experience in life Rms. 15:4.

Scriptural Example of the God of Speed.

  1. Two cities were turned to the Lord in a sweep Acts 9:33-35.

The cities of Lydda and Saron were spontaneously turned to God, with all men living in these two cities becoming born again in a moment. This happened when God performed a miracle through the hand of Apostle Peter by healing Aeneas who had been bedridden with paralysis for 8 years. When Peter prayed for him in Christ name, he rose from the bed instantly. To have all the people in these two cities swept into a ‘cause’ in this manner is supernatural speed. He will do same in our midst in this season.

For us to experience the God of speed at work, particularly in this prophetic season, we have the responsibility to stir Him to manifest with speed. Scriptures show that it is by the prayer of faith that we invoke God to speed Jms. 4:16-18. In essence, we must engage intensely on faith on the prayer altar, and the God of speed will show up.

Jesus is Lord!


Father in the name of Jesus, perform your word by as you double the highest monthly average Sunday attendance of this assembly since wonder double began before August 1st 2021 Acts 2:6.


Pray Psa. 2:8 to be made manifest in tomorrow service in our midst.

Priestly Blessings.                                    

The heaven over your life opens afresh for the outpouring of the Spirit of God!

Supernatural speed shall attend to everything concerning your life from this day!

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